Second year | Drama

Start from the beginning

With impeccable timing, "Anything from the trolley, dears?"

We three smiled at each other and bought three of everything. Blaise threw Millicent a nervous look and she swallowed, looking at me like she was trying to not set off a bomb.

"Have you talked to Malfoy since Flourish and Blotts?" Millicent asked.

I paused, remembering was the last thing I wanted, "No, I don't plan to."

Millicent sighed, "Second year and already we have drama."

The color drained from Blaise's face, "I don't want to think about that either."

It was silent until Blaise spoke up again.

"How are your brothers?"

"Better, they both have someone with them that is there for them."

"Do you think they'll get married?" Blaise asked.

"Gods of Olympus, I hope they do. I want to be an aunt."

"Wow, you'll be—I can't do math so I don't know how old you'll be when their kids are your age."

I chuckled at Blaise's comment and did the math myself.

"I'll be...twenty-three?!" I was shocked at my calculations.

"I can't believe you planned when they'll be born." Millicent snorted.

"I wonder what our kids will be like?" Blaise questioned, tilting his head.

I snorted, "I don't know if I want to know."

"Well, let's just hope they're like you if it's a girl."

"What do you mean?"

Blaise set aside his chocolate frogs, "You and Mills aren't afraid to fight anyone, strong independent women. Plus, you're smart, I feel like any kid you have will be some kind of...wizard genius."

Millicent messed up Blaise's hair, "You complimented us!"

Blaise put her in a choke hold, "Sure did, you idiot!"

He messed up her hair and she quickly tried to push him off of her. I laughed at the two when our compartment door opened.

"Oh, hello Hermione!" I greeted.

Millicent and Blaise separated.

"Have you seen Harry and Ron?" She asked.

We shook our heads. We had been caught up in catching up.

"Were they not with Fred or George?" I asked.

Hermione shook her head, her big curly hair moving with her.

"I checked Fred and George, Percy, Ginny, Neville, and now you."

"Sit with us, we'll help after we get to Hogwarts." I patted my seat.

She sat beside me and I handed her a licorice wand.

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