Suddenly the glasses in the building were shattered.

Nutcracker seemed shocked.

Saiko then released her rinkaku.

She quickly attacked Nutcracker with full speed.

Nutcracker barely blocked her attacks and was then thrown to the floor harshly.

She then used her quinque to attack Nutcracker.

"This is for Mamman!" she yelled before hitting Nutcracker again with full strength.

She then grabbed her with her rinkaku and threw her to the other side of the room.

"Y/N!" she yelled.

I nodded and quickly ran towards Nutcracker before jumping into the air and kicking her.

Nutcracker landed harshly on the floor again.

Saiko retracted her kagune before crouching down on the floor.

"The monitor room has been secured," Hayashimura said through the earpiece.

I patted Saiko's back.

"You did well," I said.

"T-That was tiring..." she panted.

Shirazu approached Nutcracker.

"A ghoul with high rating also has a high price," Shirazu said.

His grip on his quinque tightened.

"If only I had money..."

Shirazu then raised his quinque.

"How much is yours?"

He then lowered it.

Nutcracker screamed as Shirazu's quinque went deep inside her guts.

Nutcracker's eyes were slowly filled with tears.

"I want to be pretty..."

Shirazu gasped.

He then backed away from her body.

Shirazu fell down on the floor.

"Don't say something a human would..." he mumbled.

"That's the thing," I said as I approached him, "No matter how different humans are to ghouls, they both have one thing in common."

I smiled sadly as I looked towards him.


And with that, I left the three of them.

I followed Haise's smell and it leads me to the auditorium.

The scene before me made my whole body shiver.

The SS-rated ghoul stood on the corner of the auditorium.

And Haise was in his grip.

Haise coughed as the ghoul chocked him with his right hand.

The ghoul smiled.

"Do you know that the gap between first and second is very far?" he asked, "The gap between 100 and 99 is not only one..."

Could it be...


So that's where he's been; Aogiri.

No wonder he disappeared.

He tightened his grip.

"At first I wanted to prove that you were Dr. Kanou's greatest creation," he continued, "But now, how do I say it?"

The Ghoul Investigator (Tokyo Ghoul x Fem!Reader) {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now