e l e v e n : o k a y

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One minute I'm crying and the next I'm hugging Peter Parker. This is amazing. I don't want this to end. Even though I'm still crying this is probably one of the happiest moments of my life. Peter smells good. Oh god please never say that again, that sounds so weird and bad. Just don't Y/N.

"Peter?" I say out of the blue.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Thank you," I say and dig my head deeper into his chest and hug a little tighter.

"For what?" Peter asks sounding slightly confused.

"This. Everything. Just being able to talk and see you. It helps a lot. It helps me take my mind off of things," I say as my tears start to soak Peter's shirt.

"You're welcome. It makes me happy to know that I can help you. Y/N, I know that you're depressed, I can tell and that's okay because I'm here for you, but I need to know this one thing. Do you self harm in any way?" Peter says as he loosens the hug so he can look at my face. I'm almost too shocked to answer.

I couldn't bring myself to say it so I just nodded my head up and down. It's silent for a few minutes until Peter speaks up.

"How often?"

"Depends on the day," I say.

Peter says nothing in return he just hugs me for a few more minutes and then whispers,

"It's gonna be okay. I'm here for you."

A few more minutes pass and a few more tears roll down my cheeks. Eventually Peter and I release from our hug and started to look each other in the eye. Peter looks at me and smiles. I smile back and stare into his beautiful, chocolate brown eyes.

"Weren't we supposed to go see the school today?" Peter asks with a laugh.

"Uh yeah I think so," I say realizing that we completely missed the tour day which caused me to laugh along with Peter.

"Wait that means you start tomorrow," Peter says with a small smile growing on his lips.

"Oh shit I still have to go to school, I forgot about that," I say with a laugh.

"Well you won't have to worry about getting around the school because you can just hangout with me and Ned at school," Peter says with a smile, as usual.

"Aw thanks. Great to know that I already have at least one friend at school," I say.

"Yeah," Peter says as he smiles and starts to stare more intently at me.

We stare each other in the eye as our heads start to move closer to each other. Peters eyes glance down at my lips as my eyes glance to his. With our faces only inches apart I drape my arms around his neck as his wrap around my waist. Now I could feel his warm breath on my face. Our faces were only centimeters apart now.

"Woah, woah, woah now. What do we have here?" Happy says and Peter and I separate as fast as possible. Happy starts laughing and Peter brings his hand up to his head and sighs.

"Is this what I think it is?" Happy asks with a half smirk, half smile.

"Uh no. We're just friends," I say quickly with a bit of a stutter.

"Uh huh, how does Tony feel about this 'friendship'," Happy says while emphasizing and putting air quotes around the world 'friendship.'

"Here's fine with it," I say.

"He's okay with the kissing?" Happy asks.

"We haven't kissed," Peter says.

"Oh so Tony doesn't know about how close you guys are?" Happy asks. "Physically and mentally." Happy starts laughing as Tony walks into the living room looking confused.

"What's going on? Why is Happy laughing and why do you two look so embarrassed?" Tony questions. A look of realization washes over his face as his mouth makes an 'o' shape.

"Are you two dating?" Tony asks.

"No, no, no, no, no," I say quickly, "Peter and I are just friends."

"Yeah, Mr. Stark, there's nothing to worry about." Peter says very reassuringly. Almost a little too reassuringly.

It kinda hurt to deny it, even though it's the truth and I honestly don't know why. It shouldn't hurt at all, but it does.

"Mm okie dokie," Tony says with a questioning look and walks away.

Happy stops laughing and looks towards me and Peter.

"You're lucky he's gullible when it comes to you, Y/N, but I see right through your lies." Happy says in a joking tone.

I roll my eyes as Happy and look to Peter.

"When are you going home?" I ask.

"Now," Peter says with a laugh. "May is on her way to get me."

"Oh okay. See you at school tomorrow. Goodnight," I say to Peter with a smile.

"Goodnight," he says as he hugs me.

Peter and I separate and I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Once I'm there, I change into some black, booty shorts and a light gray, Adidas
T-shirt and I go brush my teeth. After I'm done in the bathroom, I plug my phone in and lay down in my bed.

As I lie in my bed, a smile spreads across my face as Peter Parker wanders his way into my thoughts. I fell hard for this boy. Peter doesn't even have to try to make me happy and yet he does. It's gonna hurt when he leaves. It's gonna hurt a lot. I've never, in my life, felt this way about a boy or girl. Although I've never thought about girls that way. I don't think I'd ever feel this way about a girl, but you never know.

I still can't believe that we almost kissed. A smile is clearly visible on my face as I turn on my side. Y/N you're crazy, you can't feel this way about a boy you met a few days ago. As reality comes crashing done like a building with no stability. My smile fades as drift off to sleep, but comes back as soon as Peter makes his way into my dream.


Hey guys, it probably seems like it's been forever since I've updated but it's actually only been like a week. I'm honestly so proud of myself for updating so fast because I usually take forever to update.

I have so many ideas for this book, but I never have time to write and when I do have time I don't have the motivation. I honestly think that this book is gonna go far for me, because I've received ideas from some of you guys and I have so many ideas of my own. Eventually Infinity War And Endgame will be tied into this story. It's really taking a while to write everything because I try really hard on these chapters and I put a lot of thought into everything or at least I try to.


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