~The First Meeting~

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3rd Pov

She knocked on the door, knock knock. 


Nothing happened, y/n knocked again yet louder. 

Still no one answered. 

Y/n realised that her roommates must be in lesson as school was still on for the rest of the students. Smiling to herself as she now could get some sleep, she reached into her pocket and grabbed the key that Misun had given to her. 

Opening the door, y/n could see that the living room was neatly tidy, maybe for her arrival. The living room wasn't that big with the large green sofa filling most of the space in the room. Sitting in front of this was a large TV and a bookcase next to it covered with school books and books about the Korean language. 

Stepping further into the room, y/n turned to her left and opened a door to one of the bedrooms. Inside were four beds, each covered in many blankets and stuffed animals. Admiring the different objects in the room, y/n could see that each of the beds had a different personality to them.

The first one to the right was concealed within a massive blue blanket, with a train plushie on the pillow. Y/n thought that it was weird to have Thomas on their bed, but she quickly thought of it as cute and realised that there must be a backstory to it.Moving on y/n looked at the next bed that was neatly decorated with small penguin figurines on the shelf above the bed.

On the bunk bed on the other side of the room, was covered in pink with one of the beds having two squirrel pillows chucked messily onto the bed as if the person was in a rush. 

Deciding to walk into the next room, y/n stepped into the smallest room with two single beds next to each other. One side of the room was covered with clothes. On the other side of the room, y/n noticed that there was a large glass case with lots of Lego sculptures inside. Y/n thought this was cute as she could see many of the different designs in the different Lego bricks that made the room look more colourful. 

By nearly slipping on a cropped shirt, y/n stumbled out of the room and into the last. Within the last room was three beds all contrasting each other with the different styles. Y/n thought that it was amazing how different all the beds were. On one there was a star wars Yoda plush, on the other was a small lion cub teddy in the centre of the bed, and on the bed opposite the others was a giant tofu blanket that covered most of the bed and some of the floor. 

With no other bed made up, y/n grew confused as she didn't know what room she was going to sleep in. In the end she decided to just sleep on the comfy sofa in one of her oversized hoodies and a pair of joggers. After coming out of the bathroom she moved her bags next to the TV and jumped onto the sofa. She wrapped her arms around of her knees and tucked her hair into the hood. She then fell asleep. 

Time skip a few hours


Y/n eyes fluttered open as they met a pale tofu-faced girl. Jumping in surprise, y/n fell off the sofa onto the floor with a loud thud. 

Y/n could hear a choir of gasps before spinning around and stumbling up to see nine beady eyes all looking at her. 

"Uh, hello my names y/n and I'm going to be your new roommate".  Eight of the girls looked confused as y/n spoke, with a beautiful elegant girl quietly stepping forward and replying "Uhh.. hi..  do you.. uh speak Korean?"

"Ahh.." y/n stated. 

"Sorry, I do speak a bit of Korean." After saying this, y/n could see that the girls less tensed and become more comfortable with the situation. 

Realising that she looked a mess, y/n undid her hood and allowed her hair to flow down her back and chest. While moving the pillow back onto the sofa, y/n couldn't see that some of the girls had blushed bright red.

Before any of the girls could say anything y/n rambled "Sorry about this, you guys weren't here and I wanted to get some sleep after the plane journey and there wasn't an extra bed so I just fell asleep here."

Once y/n had finished talking, one of the girls stepped forward and said "ahh, Sana I thought you were going to put up another bed before we left."

The blond girl that she was speaking too, blushed red with embarrassment, "uhhhh.. sorry Jihyo, I was just so busy earlier tidying my bed for her arrival that I forgot."

The blond girl was incredibility pretty and spoke with a slight Japanese accent, y/n was in awe from her beauty as another girl spoke up. 

She was taller than y/n and stood with amazing posture, "I can go set up the bed, what room is she going to stay in?

Y/n stared at the girls as they all looked at each other until a cool looking short-haired girl spoke up and stated "she can stay with me and Momo if you guys want."

Immediately after saying this the girl that had forgotten to do the bed complained "noo Jeongyeon, she can stay with me i..n..... I mean next to, next to in the spare space in our room." After saying this she giggled and looked down. 

Y/n didn't hear as she was captivated by the beauty of the girls but the others all glared at Sana, glad that y/n didn't hear anything. 

"I agree with Sana, as we have the biggest room with the most space" a bunny looking girl stated forcing the other girls to reluctantly agree with her statement. 

Once all the girls had settled down from their discussions about what the girl had said, the taller one walked over to a cupboard in the corner of the living room and took out a matres. Another girl with multicoloured bright orange and red hair  walked over to a cabinet and grabbed two fluffy pillows. They then both walked into the larger room and placed the items down onto a wooden frame that Momo and Jihyo had moved from one of the other rooms. 

"Thanks for the help" y/n complimented as the girls finished setting up the bed. 

Y/n then brought her luggage into her room. "You don't have much" one of the girls said and y/n propped the bag onto the shelf next to the bed. 

"uhhh.. yeah, I decided that I would buy some stuff here,"

"You have no stuffed animals" the girl with long black hair with bangs stated, acting very surprised by y/n bare bed.

"I have a few at home" y/n replied. 

The girls then all gathered in the living room as the smallest member of the group grabbed y/n hand and dragged her into the circle. 

"Lets introduce ourselves"


Again, thank you for reading this book. 

Also I really liked Dahyun's multicoloured hair in the Like ooh-aah era so I wanted her to have this in my story. I might add her dying it blue as I also think she looks amazing in that colour. 

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