Chapter Seventeen

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As I walk into the stadium I held my head up high and proud. I am going to give this my best. I can't wait to win and make izuku proud!

"hey y/n." I look around to see who called my name yet I see no one.

"down here." I look towards where the voice came from and see the perverted grape. Ewwwww.

"what do you want mineta, I don't have time to deal with your shit." I look away and continue walking to were we where heading.

"I just want to say your body looks perfect in that uniform!" a shiver goes down my spine and I continue walking feeling the eyes him staring at me.

I then here a growl and see midoriya giving him a look even scarier then bakugou's. If looks could kill. Mineta then hid behind Momo crying and complaining to her. I feel so sorry for her.

I turn back around and smile at midoriya mouthing a thank you. His look soon changed from his angered back to his adorable smiling one it just makes me smile more.

When we finally get there midnight was standing on the stage and started explaining on what we needed to do a d then said the first thing would be an obsical rase. Sounds like fun!

We walk over to the starting point a d soon the buzzer goes off. We all run into a cramped space with lots of people pushing and shoving. This has to be the first one, I need to figure out how to get out.

I use a combination of my air and fire to fly into the air just in time before shoto uses his ice to freeze others in there place perfect. I fall back down landing on some guys head.

"sorry about that." I then use my water to push my self forward and out of the tunnel.

When I get out I see that some others also made it out. I then place myself back onto the ground and begin running.

"wow." I suddenly stop as i am almost hit by a three pointer from the entrance exams. "what the hell are these trash bots doing here." I throw a fire ball at the robot and it gets destroyed.

"what the hell is that," i heard someone say in the distance. I turn around to see what they are talking about and see not one not two actually I don't k ow how many one pointers. The giant ones from the entrance exams, just great.

I see shoto freeze some of them and then run through their legs. I would say that was perfect for me to follow but

"careful I froze then when they where unstable. On purpose." he said as he ran. They then soon fall down. I just barely make it out of the way before it falls.

"there's someone under there!"
"should we help them?"
"are people seriously going to die here!?" someone was saying.

Soon after I heard some whacking and Kirishima popped out.

"I'm alive!" he shouted. He was in his hardend form. "man if that was anyone else they would of been killed." he then gave his toothy grin.

I heard the same whacking and another guy came up saying the exact same thing. Whatever I have a rase to win. I'm already falling behind.

Sero bakugo and a few others from 1A had already gone over the top of some of the robots. I really have to make up some ground.

I use my water and blast a water slide down under the legs and around to where I needed to go then hopped on using my air to boost my way. I saw a few others get on my slide so I put up a rock wall.

"no hard feeling I just don't want to help out the competition." I say as I continue on.

I made it to the next challenge.

"holy shit." I say as I look down to what seems like a bottomless pit.

"wouldnt want to fall down there. Well here goes nothing." before I move I see a girl with lots of gear on here saying something about time for her baby's to shine? Sounds kind of weird but I go to continue.

I use my earth to create a path from where I'm standing to another of the track. Luckily there still wasn't to many people around me and no one noticed so I quickly ran across and then make it fall down before anyone followed.

I continued to do this the whole way over to the other. On the other I see that there was a bit of water in puddles propery means that I'm catching up to todoroki. Good.

I made it to the mine field and saw todoroki in the front and a few others walking in front.

Bakugou suddenly flys past my head using his explosions quickly passing me and catching up with todoroki. Now that I think about it UA tends to put a twist into everything we do.

Like the entrance exams with the giant robots worth 0 points. This is kind of a test as well so maybe there will be a twist to what first place will get.

As long as I finish in the top ten I will be happy. I manover my way around the mines and look around to see where everyone is. I look to be in about 13th place or close to that. Time to pick up my pace.

I need to come up with something to get past some people. I deside to pull a bakugou move by using air to propel myself forward. I catch up to being in third place behide the two boys.

They don't seem to notice as they are two busy fighting each other. I stay at the same pace I'm going because third place sounds good to me.

All of a sudden I hear a load boom! And see a big puff of pink smoke. What the hell! That one was so big do they secretly have huge ones?

As I continued to look in the direction of the bang I see something flying through the air. It was a piece of the robot? Looking even closer I see izuku and on it! He's going so fast I think he's going to over take us. Good for him!

A huge smile on my face as I see the determination on his. He looked like he wanted to win so badly. Oh no if he comes in first he is going to get targeted! I have to somehow stop him. I arghhh think y/n think!

He was slowly losing altitude and was coming straight for us.

"Izuku w-" before I could finish I was pushed back by a small explosion from in front. Luckily I fell onto todorokis ice path so I didn't make anymore explosions.

I quickly recover and start using my air to push forward. The other two where still getting up so I pasted them and ran after izuku. He had made it through the gate with me about 5 meters behind. I finished in second.

I sat at the corner of the gate and rested my back on the wall. I notice as bakugou and todoroki come through the gate. They weren't that far back behind me so I'm not surprised.

After a bit I notice more people flood through and soon enother it was time for us all to get in back into a group to be given are next task.

I pick my place next to Izuku knowing in a minute he would be targeted.

As midnight explains what we will be doing she says that first place will be worth 10 million Point.

I watch as everyone eyes him with determination and murderistic intentions. They are all hero's in training and they look like they are ready to kill.

Well I did try to warn him though.
We are given a time limit to make a team of four and as I do to turn to midoriya I was pulled away by someone. I couldn't work out why it was because I could see them.

When we where about 20 metres away it was a guy with purple messy hair. He kind of reminded me of aizawa lokking like he needs more sleep.

"be on my team." he has a bored but tired voice that I was slightly affended by.

"um well I was actually goi-" and then there was nothing. I felt like I had gone to sleep because I couldn't see any tho g Until we where all standing back with the group of people talking about the fights. How the hell did I get here?

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