Chapter I - Her

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Third person's POV

                         Marcus bid goodbye as they finished their business. As usual it did go well but something inside him felt eerie. Setting it aside, he proceed to enter the car with his Beta Anthony.

                        "How's the Pack?" Marcus asked as he go through all the papers that's been waiting for him to read.

                         "Nothing new. Why?" His Beta -Anthony- replied as he drive back to their pack.

                         "Nothing" Marcus said as he read all through the papers.

                         "Alpha Instinct" Anthony commented as he just shrugged all the eerie feeling that's been bothering him.

                          Anthony's been his friend since then. Their parent's are close enough that it makes Anthony's Family live with them. His been with him through thick and thin situation as he does his Alpha duties. He may not show it but Anthony is one the important people for him -well aside from his parent's and his sister- Marcus pretended to be someone who doesn't have a feeling but he give importance to them.

                           "Rogue attack" Anthony cut him into his reverie as his blood boil. He really hated rogues, aside from all the paper works that it gave them.His people also will be in danger. 

                           "Where?" Marcus asked with a low growl that came deep into him.

                           "South border" Anthony said as he maneuver the car deep into the forest.

                            Halting into a stop. Both men run outside as they changed into their wolf form.

Marcus POV 

                       Changing into my Midnight black wolf. I run with my Alpha Speed deep South of the woods where the fight is happening. This Rogue's are really getting into my nerves.

                       "The back-up is on their way. Some of the Patrol team are badly injured." Anthony mindlink me as we run deep into the woods.

                       Setting it aside, I focused on how will i tortured them. Maybe with whip? An Knee Splitter? Or just the Head Crusher?! Nah, it will all be too easy on their side right?

                         "Something's happening" Anthony said as he run by my Tail side.
                         "What?" I asked in irritation. If something happened more than injuries from my warrior's this Rogue's will really be a dead meat. Well by just entering my territory they are already a dead wolf, so whether they like it or not they are really a dead wolf after this.

                       "Someone's helping them." Anthony answered as we near the area. Help? Helping my warrior? Isn't it the other way around? What now? Another Rogue? This is just getting crazier each time.

                       But as we near the area I caught a scent. It is the most calming scent that I've ever smell. It is some sort of an Rain and Forest combining together.

                      "Mate" My wolf purred in delight.

         And I was able to come with only one word and that is 'Fuck'. I run faster as the scent started to get faid. But I've been stop in my track at the mess that's been in front of me. My men sprawled in the soil of the forest along with the rogues that's been helplessly whimpering everywhere.

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