
The tension didn't stop there Carly quickly realized as she walked into the hall and spotted Lucas and Peyton in a heated conversation. Which ended with Peyton spinning and walking towards the exit of the building. Lucas looked lovestruck, smiling to himself he rubbed his chin and walked down the hallway. He hadn't spotted Carly yet, but as he neared the end of the hall she spoke up.

"Trouble in paradise?" She teased, leaning against a locker. Lucas jumped, holding his hand over his heart. "How are you always around?" He grinned and gave her a hug. She shrugged, "I'm just lucky I guess. I'm waiting for Nathan to come out of History, I finished my exam early and told him I would wait in the tutoring center."

Lucas nodded, shifting slightly as Nathan was mentioned. He rubbed the back of his head, "What did you mean by trouble in paradise?" He questioned her as she looked up from her phone. She had been rapidly texting Haley telling her what was going to be on the history exam since she had it next period.

"Well, Peyton and you look smitten, but you're happily dating Brooke it seems. So I'll repeat my question: trouble in paradise?" Carly gestured for Lucas to follow her towards the tutoring center, peeking in through the window of the class to find Nathan fully concentrated on his test. She smiled to herself.

"I'm really conflicted Carly, I have feelings for two girls. Deep feelings that I can't help and then I'm just stringing Brooke along because I like spending time with her but it's obvious she really likes me." The two had reached the tutoring center and Carly looked at Lucas and gave him a small smile.

"For what it's worth I'm glad you're finally admitting your feelings for Peyton. I think you need to talk to Brooke about it though. Maybe not the Peyton part unless you want her to kill you both but just tell her how you feel. It's only gonna get worse the longer you wait." She rubbed his arm and pulled out the keys to the tutoring center.

Lucas looked discontent with Carly's answer and shuffled slightly. He noticed the bell was about to ring and mumbled something about going home to email his mom. Carly turned and gave him a questioning look as he walked away from her.

He had reached the front doors of the school and groaned to himself. He wanted to tell Carly how he felt. When he said he had feelings for two girls he hadn't meant Peyton and Brooke. He was frustrated that he put himself in such a situation where he couldn't express how he felt. He wanted to get over her, knowing it would only hurt him in the end, but he was determined.

He walked towards the tutoring center before spinning around, cursing at himself for thinking that was even a good idea. He had become so messy. He used to never be like this, joining the basketball team really did change his life.

"Fuck it." He mumbled pacing back down the hallway towards the tutoring center. He turned the corner to find Nathan and Carly embraced in a hug as Carly jumped up and down. Nathan beamed down at her. Her eyes matching the sparkle in his.

"I can't believe it! Did she grade it right now? A B plus Nathan that's amazing!" She squealed once more pulling him down for a quick kiss, barely noticing a brooding, sunken Lucas walk back around the corner and out the doors of the school. Slamming the door shut behind him.


"Sam!" Carly yelled as she and Nathan walked into her house after school. Nathan wanted to spend time with Carly and take her out for ice cream to celebrate his good grade on his exam. The pair listened through the house for a reply but no avail. She turned and grinned at him before hearing the back door slam shut.

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