Chapter 10-The Economical Dress

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"Where's the bride? ,has she sent her measurements instead?"

Oohh now I was about to knock this lady out and maybe even a few teeth of hers!

Mr.Carter actually laughed ,he actually laughed and went on to explain that the impoverished looking woman beside him was actually the wife and not the personal maid.

I gave her a spiteful smile and she apologised for her misunderstanding.

I didn't forgive her instead I moved her to the side with my hand and proceeded to look at the dresses.

"Mrs.Ramorez ,just show us the most economical dresses "

I looked back at his face and sure enough he wasn't joking even Mrs.Rammyhose or whatever her name was looked taken aback.

Probably no groom ever said that he wanted the cheapest dress for his bride.

She took us in a complete different direction and the quality of the material definitely differed in this aisle ,it not only looked cheap but felt cheap.

Frickin miser!

I went into the dressing room to try on a couple hideous ones and Mr.Carter made sure to snicker everytime I walked out wearing one of his pocket friendly gowns.

He chose the most hideous one to finally purchase ,I can't be seen wearing that ,it looks garish and oversized. The dress was layers and layers of cheap material clumped together in an unflattering design ,even a supermodel would've looked funny wearing that.

I would end up looking like a pumpkin or a poodle and not in a cute way.

"Wait ,you " I accused him of purposely wanting to make me look like an idiot.

"No I wouldn't dream of it"he said staring right back at me with startling accusation in his eyes.

Wait what did I do?

"Did I do something?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because you're looking at me like some criminal and you're buying me this poodle dress"

"I would definitely blame you ,your actions have consequences and this is your retribution "he looked away before I could scan him for hints.

I can't understand what he's talking about but that dress is a huge no.

"Wait ,I'll choose my own economical dress ,you be right here"

I rushed off to the cheap aisle and scanned all the dresses and finally behind all the loud and obviously gaudy options layed a beautiful angelic dress ,I felt a choir singing in the background as I touched the gown.

It had a lacy front and floral design that accentuated the front and even brought in simplistic elegance ,a slit by the side and the back was the part to behold ,it was a transparent netted material with white lace floral designs.

Most of all ,I wouldn't look like a walking ballon.

"This is it!"

I walked back to the counter and an irritated Mr.Carter.

I'm starting to think he just has two moods annoyance and anger.

He looked at the price tag and surely enough it made the cut and I had a proud smile on my face while he on the other hand looked quite not so happy.

We made the purchase and got into his car ,the lady took my measurements and promised to deliver the dress early tomorrow morning.

Inside the car there was dead silence and unfortunately there was a divison between the driver and the backseat.
Which leaves us together and alone for 30 minutes until we reach my house.

THE ENCAGEMENTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora