"Kyla, I need you to tell me honestly, are you completely comfortable with this plan? Because if you aren't, then we regroup and figure out a new plan that doesn't involve this" he says, gesturing to my restraints. 

I quickly fix a hard look on my face. As uncomfortable as I may be, it doesn't matter in the slightest. It's a decent plan and there is no point backing out now. The only thing that really matters here is saving my father and my family. I will do anything for them. 

I'm horrible with time even when it moves normally but in the last 4 or 5 months, maybe even 6 months, I've grown very close and attached to my father's family here. Especially my nephew and step-brother Henry, which I still find a little odd. 

This family has a few messed up back stories, many none too pleasant but they have all assisted in shaping them all into the amazing people they are today. 

And I value them all very highly for having such resilience and strength. 

Plus, by getting Blackbeard out of the way, we'll be able to snag the magic beans from Blackbeard's office so I can get back to Peter and our boys. I will not abandon them.

Will reaches around to the back of my head to untie the cloth in my mouth but I jerk my head away and lock eyes with him. I give him a fierce look and slowly nod my head. His own expression hardens before he adopts a wicked smile that I know all too well. My nerves shoot through the roof but I don't let it show on my face that I'm so bothered by it.

He forces me to turn around and starts pushing me forward. He grips my upper arms in a way that looks firm, but ensuring he doesn't actually hurt me. I struggle against him, which isn't as put on as I would like it to be. Part of it is the memory of last time this happened resurfacing. 

I close my eyes and focus on my breathing as an attempt to calm myself. I breath in the sea air which was always such a comfort to me and is something familiar.

I can almost imagine myself standing on my father's ship with the wind blowing through my hair, the water glistening around me. I can see all of the crew scurrying about the deck trying to finish their chores before the captain emerges from his cabin.

"What do we have here?" says a deep voice from in front of me. My eyes fly open as I feel my stomach fall to my toes, not realizing that we had already come this far.

"I brought you a present," Will says from behind me in a tone that makes me very uncomfortable. He holds me out in front of him as if to say 'Look what I caught', presenting me as a prize to his father.

My eyes dart wildly around the room, trying to grasp where I am. It looks to be some kind of office, dark and dank, with the smell of fish wafting through the air. 

Not at all pleasant. 

My eyes come to rest on a man standing directly in front of me, leaning against a desk. This can only be Blackbeard. He looks exactly as I remember which is worrying as he is still looks young considering his age. Well, I suppose he is immortal.

His long black hair and beard have streaks of silver in them, which give him the look of an older man but his features maintain a youthfulness to them that unsettles me. He is quite tall, like Will but has a larger build. Where Will is lean and muscular, Blackbeard has a sort of bulk that is domineering and very intimidating to someone of my size. I'm not an overly tall person.

Blackbeard, along with the three other men that occupy the room, are sporting clothing of this world which is covered by these bright yellow coats made of a thin material. It doesn't look like it would be overly warm considering it gets very cold out on the ocean. It must serve some other purpose then.

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