Chapter five

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My eyes pierce through him like knives and I'm very tempted to slit his throat right here and now. 

"Hello beautiful," he says to me in a mocking sort tone. This only angers me further. His voice repulses me as much as his face does. He looks different to when I knew him, but that is mainly due to his clothes and his hair cut, but no amount of soap and new clothes could ever fool me into thinking he is any different. 

I reach for my sword, which is still strapped to my hip. I pull it out and aim the tip at his Adam's apple to show that I'm not messing around. I use my sword rather than a dagger because it keeps him further away from me, meaning that he won't be able touch me.

"Ah, I see you've not forgotten me. I must have made quite an impression on you the last we met, my dear," he chides. His ego and arrogance haven't changed at all. I once found this attractive but now it only pisses me off as it reminds me of a darker time.

"Indeed not, jackass," I sneer. "What are you doing here, Will? How did you get here to Storybrooke? Why are you at my door?"

"A lot of questions there, Ky. Which did you want answered first?" he asks with a cocky smirk still plastered to his face. I press harder on the blade against his throat and a line of crimson blood runs down his throat. "Ah, well, in that case..."He trails off and I sneer at him again. It is taking all of my self control to not cut him down where he stands.

My head is racing at a million miles a minute. My emotion changes every second while staring at Will on my door step. Anger flares up and down. Fear flutters, making me feel sick. I'm still in shock as to seeing him here of all places.

"My father and I were swept up in curse that brought everyone here to Storybrooke," he begins to explain. I don't move my blade and I continue to stare at him waiting for him to continue. "We've been here a long time and we've been lying low since the curse was broken."

"That doesn't explain why you are at my door, William Black," I snarl at him. I press my blade a little bit harder against Will's throat which causes him to step back. I almost smile at his obvious display of fear towards me. My blade is still touching he throat but not as hard as I'd like it to be, but I am not moving closer to him. The more distance between us the better.

"Put down your sword and I'll tell you everything you want to know," he says in offer. I contemplate for a few seconds. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. What makes him think that I'd lower my guard around him for even a second? "I know you have every reason not to trust me but I promise you that you will want to hear what I have to say."

"And why is that? You are lucky I didn't kill you the moment I first laid eyes on you," I warn and my eye twitches again with a disdain that refuses to simmer. I'm doing my best not to show any fear at all and I think it is well hidden behind my anger and hatred.

"It's about what my father has planned for both you and your father as well as his new family," he says with his smirk now replaced by a serious and almost pleading look. This intrigues me slightly but I know it shouldn't. It's most likely a trap. I should kill him for what he's done or make him leave but I want to know what he has so say. What if he is telling the truth and I refuse to listen due to my pride and anger?

After a few more seconds of staring him down, I lower my sword. To show a false gesture of old trust, I re-sheathe my sword. We both stand in the hall way staring at each other for a long time before either of us moves or speaks.

"Aren't you going to invite me in so we might talk privately? You never know who may over hear us. My father has informants everywhere," he says almost too casually. I laugh out of pure amusement towards his first comment.

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