Chapter 1: A Red, Red Ribbon

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The bright eyed, battle scarred woman gazed up at the full moon above her. This would be the last night of her normal like as a Soul Reaper, well as normal as it could get. Her older brother crossed his arms behind his head and chuckled.

"Mother always told you that you were destined for great things. I think this is as great as it gets." Shunsui took a swig if his alcohol and passed the canister to his sister. Yuna wrinkled her nose at the stench.

"I can't believe your liver hasn't collapsed from how drunk you get all the time." Shunsui pretended to be offended with a gasp and a hand over his heart.

"How rude~!" He fell back in a pitiful display of exaggeration. Yuna rolled her eyes and patted his head.

"There. There. Nii-chan." Yuna laughed when Shunsui swatted away her hand. "Ouch. You mean old drunk." The siblings shared a laugh and Yuna took a deep breath. "Do you think I'll be successful as a royal guard? It's such a big responsibility. What if I'm not trained enough?"

"Hush, you know you could beat any captain here with a hand tied behind your back!" Yuna rubbed her head sheepishly.

"Well I wouldn't say any captain." Shunsui smirked. "Kenpachi is pretty strong." Yuna's smile dropped at the thought of her best friend. When she had told him of her move to the Palace, the look on his face was pure pain. He hadn't talked to anyone about it. He spent his days in the training yard, beating on some dummies.

"You need to talk to him about it Yuna. I don't think I've ever seen Zaraki upset before." Yuna played with the red ribbon on the hilt of her sword. Kenpachi has stolen it from a merchant and gifted to her years ago. It still held an important place in her heart.

"Yeah I know. But how do you tell your best friend you might never get to see him again?" Shunsui's gut dropped at the thought of telling Jushiro the exact same thing. Yuna and Kenpachi has been through tough time together.

"Just be honest. These situations are hard enough as is. It doesn't need to be sugar-coated. But you shouldn't leave on bad terms." Yuna nodded and stood, stretching out her legs.

"You're right. I need to go-" Yuna was cut off by a light noise. When she looked down, Shunsui was passed out. A line of drool was pouring out of his mouth and pooling on the floor. "You will never change." Yuna smiles and kisses his forehead before pulling his hat over his eyes.

Yuna stuffed her hands in the pockets of her kimono and shunpoed to the Division 11 Barracks. A young man, shirtless and slicing up a sack dummy stood before her. He didn't seem to notice Yuna at all, or was continuing to ignore her.

"Have you gotten taller Ken?" The older boy stopped in his tracks and slid his zanpakuto into his white sash.

"Using the same old line doesn't make it any better Yuna." Yuna flinched at his tone of voice. It was cold and distant, even a bit quiet. And Kenpachi was never quiet. "Shouldn't ya be leaving?"

Yuna walked around Zaraki so she could look him in the eyes. She crossed her arms. "I'm not leaving until tomorrow morning." Yuna bit her bottom lip. "I don't want to leave things like this Kenpachi. You are my best friend. Can you get that through your thick skull?" Yuna growled underneath her breath.

Kenpachi lifted his eyes from the ground and narrowed them. "If ya have something to say, say it!" His sharp teeth glistened with anger. Yuna scoffed and turned her head.

"If you hate me so much why even bother with this?!" She snatched the red ribbon from her zanpakuto and dangled it between her fingers. She released the fabric into the air and before it could touch the ground Kenpachi had grabbed her forearm.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?! Ya think I hate you?" He was so close now, his breath wavering over Yuna's nose and mouth. Despite training and sweating most of the time, he never smelled bad. He always smelled very earthy and sometimes the faint hint of body oil could be smelled.

Yuna felt a blush rise over her cheeks. "I could never hate ya! As a matter of fact I-...I...." Kenpachi began to lean down even more, his nose brushing against Yuna's.

"Ken..." Yuna's breath caught in her throat. Kenpachi pinned her against the barrack wall, his hand lightly grasping her wrist above her head.

"Spend tonight with me." Yuna started to stutter. "Please." Yuna never imagined Kenpachi as a romantic type, but this was something straight out of a book. Yuna gave a single nod. That was all Kenpachi needed.

His lips smashed against hers in a fiery passion. Yuna gasped at the sudden motion but quickly fell into his arms. Kenpachi grabbed the bottom of Yuna's thighs and lifted her up for a better angle.

Yuna pulled back for air and stared at her best friend. Was it even okay to call him that now? What were they? At this moment she couldn't care less.

"Just tonight."

Kenpachi grinned.

"That's all I need."

~Next Morning~

Yuna groaned at the bright light shining through the wooden blinds. The slight chill against her skin raised goosebumps. Wait. This ceiling wasn't hers...

Memories of last night came tumbling back. Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she hugged the sheet close to her bare chest. She sat up slowly as to not disturb the slumbering giant next to her. Kenpachi was sprawled out, a sheet barely covering his lower body. An arm was loosely wrapped around Yuna's waist.

She touched the light markings over her neck and body, she could remember receiving each and every one in vivid memory.

What had she done?

She was so caught up in the moment she hadn't realized she'd ruined what was most precious to her. Her dark curls dropped over her shoulders and eyes as she gently removed Kenpachi's arm. Hopefully she wasn't too late.

Yuna tugged her clothing back on and pulled her hair into a messy bun. She walked over to Kenpachi and leaned down to place the most gentle of kisses on his forehead. "I'll see you later Ken..."

She stood and walked out of the barracks and towards her new life.

The palace wasn't what she expected but everything she dreamed of all in one. The looming walls and lines of guards that stood protecting it. A masked man approached her with sword in hand.

"Kyōraku Yuna. You are late." Yuna cleared her through and adjusted her collar.

"I deeply apologize. There were matters I had to attend to with family." The guards unblinking eyes put Yuna on edge.

"Very well. Seeing as it will be the last time you make contact with them, the Soul King has given you a pardon." Yuna nodded and balled her hands at her sides. "Come. Your duty is calling." The masked figure turned without another word and Yuna followed close behind. She couldn't help but look over her shoulder at the rolling clouds and bright sky.

She'd be back. She had to come back.

Kenpachi groaned at the sudden pressure on his skull. "Ken-channnn!" The pink ball of energy bounced up and down on the side of his head. "I can't find Yun-Yun anywhere! We were supposed to go to the candy store together!"

Kenpachi sat up so fast that the little girl nearly crashed into the wall. Luckily her relaxes were fast and she pounced off the wall and wrapped her hands around Kenpachi's neck.

"Yuna..." Kenpachi looked at the empty place beside him and his stomach dropped.

She was gone.

"Leave Yachiru. I'll meet ya for breakfast." The girl shrugged her shoulders and skipped out of the room. Kenpachi grabbed his pants and tugged them on effortlessly. He leaned against the wall and clenched both fist before landing a harsh blow to the wood. It shattered with ease and the passing squad members were not able to doggie the shrapnel.

Kenpachi growled and the members could peer through the hole and knew not to mess with their captain. A glimpse of red caught Kenpachi's eye. Right on his window was the ribbon he had given Yuna. He fisted the fabric and took a small whiff. It still smelled like his woman.

She would come back. She had to.


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