Chapter 1

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Ozai was in his cell, waiting for punishment. The fire Lord and Avatar had desided his fate, but he didn't know what yet. But he figured that it was an execution.

Meanwhile, Zuko and Aang were outside his cell room, talking.
"You're sure this will Work?" Asked Zuko nervously.
"Positive." Said Aang firmly.
"This will be good for him. He will still have his memory, BUT he will be more childish. This is gonna work, trust me." Zuko nodded, and they went inside the cell.

Ozai glared at them when they entered. "Well Ozai, it's time to go." Said Aang.
Flash forward to A lab room. Ozai is standing in between Aang and Zuko. (In this aang is older than Zuko. Zuko is now 17 and Aang is 19) Zuko looked to Aang, and the Avatar nodded. They lead Ozai over to a Desk, and Zuko grabbed a needle. Aang grabbed Ozai by his arms from behind, and tilted Ozai's head to reveal his neck. Ozai started struggling, but they were prepared.

Aang held on tight, as Zuko came over with the needle. He walked up to his father, and calmly began to oeject his father with the serum. His father yelled as they did this.

 His father yelled as they did this

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Soon, it began to work. Slowly, Ozai felt his clothes start to weigh more and more, and he saw his son and the avatar get bigger.
Finally, it was done, and Aang shifted the now toddler sized Man in his arms while Zuko put the stuff away.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Ozai wailed, horrified at how small he was, and he began to cry involuntarily.
Aang tried to soothe Ozai. "Hey, its ok. come on, no need to cry."

Zuko watched from the corner of his eye, silent

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Zuko watched from the corner of his eye, silent. He was surprised that his father, the man who caused so much pain to not only him, but others around him, the man who had almost burnt the world to the ground, was crying like a toddler, and was being soothed by the Avatar, the very man who stopped him and took away his bending.

Calmly, Zuko and Aang walked back to their shared living quarters.
See, about a year ago, Aang had defeated Ozai, and restored balance to the world. After everything was said and done, Aang and Katara desided to just stay friends. And Aang was ok with that, as he now had his eyes on someone else. Zuko.

Zuko secretly admired Aang, for he was everything Zuko wanted in himself. Brave, strong, confident, and not to mention absolutely Hot. Zuko always Admired Aang, even Envied him. He wished that Aang would look at him the same way. However, the Fire Lord thought that the Avatar was way out of his league. But, that all changed the night of the Party...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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