You're making me

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I love the sound of your heartbeat

It's all I can hear

Pounded in my ears

You're voice is like listening to my favorite song

Soothing as silk it pulls me along

Every daydream is about you

And when I close my eyes

your smile is what I see

Dancing in the dark

spinning round in my head

Your hands on me

my lips on yours

This is how it's meant to be

The scent of your cologne

It makes me feel so high

Please baby never say goodbye

Your love is like a disease flowing through me

Im getting Dizzy, Silly,

Clumsy as can be

you leave me Breathless, Tongue Tied, Starry Eyed

Getting goose bumps, warm inside, Blushing like crazy

You make me feel like a little kid

Smiling and laughing like a fool

Most of all you're making me want you

This.. notesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon