Trust Issues

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Lalisa's POV

I can't believe her. I can't believe I trusted her.

I can never trust her again. Not now. Never again. I still love her very much but it hurts me to see her kissing someone else.

The only good way to end this is to break up with her.

I know that this will hurt the both of us but right now, I can't even trust her. I don't want to go through that again.

This would make both of us less spirited but it was for the better.

I walked over to her room to see a crying Jennie. My heart ached seeing her like this but I didn't come here to tell her that I forgave her.

"Jennie..." I sadly said as I lightly knocked on her door. "L-lisa..." She muttered. I sat down next to her and I looked deeply into her beautiful chocolate orbs.

"Listen Jennie... I don't think this will work out. I can't find a way to trust you from what you did. I'm sorry. I'm doing this because I don't want history to repeat itself." 

Her eyes started watering and mine's as well. 

"L-lisa please don't leave me. I promise I'll make it up to you just don't go. I don't know what I would do without you." Jennie sobbed.

I held her hands. "Look Jennie... I love you. But I can't trust you. I believe that a relationship is built on trust and I can't have you kissing other guys and lying to me. I love you very much and I always will. Just remember that."

I got up from her bed to leave but she grabbed my wrist. 

I pulled my hand away and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to her. Her shoulders relaxed as she fell onto her bed.

I'm sorry Jennie.

I never wanted any of this to happen either.

But it did.

And you know that you can't reverse time.

But right now, I want you to find someone better than me.

Someone who is worth your trust.

Someone you would never cheat on.

Someone you would love very much.

Even if it was him.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung stood outside the door and looked at me. "What the heck... L-Lisa why are you crying?" Rosé asked.

Jisoo pulled me into a hug. "I broke up with her..." I said. 

They both looked at me but I saw no shock in their faces. "It's okay. We understand. You'll get through this. You can find someone better." Jisoo comforted.

"Thank you."

They both nodded and walked into Jennie's room to talk to her.

3rd Person POV

It's been a few days since the breakup and both girls have been the most depressed people you have ever seen.

Jennie was lost. She didn't know what to do with her life. She would always curse herself for not being a good girlfriend to Lisa.

Lisa was fading. She had lost all of her charisma. She couldn't perform nor dance anymore. She had no emotion in their songs.

Both Jisoo and Chaeyoung were concerned for the 'couple'. They wanted them to get back together.

They always wanted them to be together.

"How will we get them back together Jisoo?" Rosé asked. Jisoo tilted her head down.

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