Once Sirius heard that the floo was going to be closed off he flipped out and lunged for the floo powder. They would've just put him in a body binding spell if it wasn't for the fact that the floo powder fell all over him when Remus grabbed him again. With the floo powder everywhere it was actually dangerous to cast a spell on Sirius because of the floo powder. Only one grain of powder being hit with magic is enough to activate the powder and it could splinch Sirius who was in no condition to get that badly hurt. Remus and Megan had to restrain him without magic and without hurting his fragile body, which is why Remus looks the way he does since it was the werewolf took the brunt of his friend's tantrum.

"We didn't have much of a chance to talk." Remus sighed in exhaustion.

"Yes, but considering how much of a fight Sirius kicked up I'm sure he'll recover quickly." Megan said amusedly as she pulled out a cellphone. "Use this. The Minister informed me of the lack of knowledge on non magical means of communication in the UK so I'll make this simple." She said and showed him a few quick things on the phone and told him a charm to get it to work by voice should he forget how to use it in an emergency. "Ok, call me if you have any questions, understand?" She asked as she reached into her bag and set out a potion and a jar of ointment.

Remus nodded, "I will. Thank you, Megan."

"It's no trouble. Now I informed the mind healer that Sirius is too weak to go to her so she will stop by here. She has a portkey going to the edge of the runes and will be the only person allowed in besides me. If you need to go somewhere apparating will be best. Just leave the runes first and your phone is a portkey leading back in case you need it. Good day, Remus. I left a pain killer potion out for you and some ointment to help with those cuts. I'm sure you can handle that and please do so. You won't be much good to Sirius if you don't take care of yourself." Megan said before going out the front door with her bag in hand.

Remus watched the healer walk across the lawn until she reached the sidewalk and apparated away, "I don't need to worry about giving Sirius a potion for a while ... I'll start breakfast soon." He mumbled tiredly as he drank the pain killing potion and applied the ointment taking the healer's words to heart.

After taking a few minutes to ease himself into a more alert state he started a light breakfast. For a split second, he panicked as he realized that Megan forgot to give him a dietary plan for Sirius, but when he was about to leave the kitchen to get his new phone he spotted a charmed paper crane fluttering around the stove. Remus smelled Megan's scent on the crane and plucked it out of the air. When he unfolded the crane he found a long list of foods that will affect the potions as well as a comprehensive diet plan.

"She must've done this when I was sleeping." Remus said completely relieved at the discovery and read the directions thoroughly before gathering everything he will need to make a healthy breakfast for Sirius. Once it was ready he put the meal for Sirius on a platter and carried it upstairs.

"Remmy ..." Sirius mumbled sleepily as he laid in bed too tired to move.

"Yes it's me, Sirius. I brought you something to eat." Remus said with a kind smile as he set the platter on the bedside table to help Sirius sit up. He chuckled as Sirius cringed at the bland looking meal, "I know it's not the most appealing, but it's your healer's orders. I put some cinnamon in so it Isn't as bad as it looks. Here, try it." He said as he scooped up a spoonful of the oatmeal like mush and held it up to Sirius' lips.

Sirius hesitated for a moment, but gave in and ate the mush, "Not terrible," he mumbled.

"Thank you," Remus said as he scooped up some more mush.

As the werewolf fed his friend, he started pondering why Sirius was so confused yesterday. He seemed so much more stable now, but was that just because of the potions? No, Remus was sure something pissed Sirius off after he got to Hogwarts. After all, Sirius clearly knew the connection between Julian and Harry before escaping, but was deeply confused after Remus caught up to him. That anger rattled his mind to the point that he forgot everything the Minister said only moments before. What pissed him off though?

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