Mischievous Minister

Start from the beginning

"I feel it would be an eye opener." Brian said with a shrug.

"Right ... let's focus on something that actually makes sense. Julian, did you get your grades?" Severus asked hoping to see all good grades to prove all is right with the world.

"Hmmm?" Julian blinked more than a little confused, but he chuckled sheepishly as he finally remembered the other letter he received. "Ah right, I left it in Dad's office, I'll go get it." Julian ran off with the currently bird sized occamy trailing behind him and soon returned with the letter in hand. "It's all As." He announced happily after opening the envelope and reading the results.

Severus sighed in relief, "Well clearly the entire world hasn't completely gone insane so since I'm sure of that now let's go meet Fudge." He said taking the Hogwarts letter with him.

'He seems rattled.' Tanzanite hissed as he landed on Julian's head.

"Yeah ... what kind of guy is the UK minister if you wanting to go to him for help would make Uncle Sev question reality?" Julian asked glancing up at his Dad.

Brian frowned, "I don't know, but I can't shake the feeling we need to speak with him so it's worth a shot." He said, but his frown deepened as he watched Severus mumbling to himself while checking his pulse. "I think."

The headmaster of Legerdemain sighed and pushed the still stunned potion professor into the living room floo. Julian grabbed the floo powder and gave the container to his godfather who was the one who knew where they were going. Instead of going to the ministry Severus first took them to the Malfoy home in Australia. They found Draco with his family in the living room looking just as dumbfounded as them.

"Ummm ... is something wrong, Brian?" Narcissa asked curious as to why they were there.

"Not sure ... ask Severus." Brian commented as he and Julian looked at Severus wondering if he lost it.

"I didn't go insane. Lucius, do you still have Ministry clearance?" Severus asked and that did make sense. It shouldn't be that easy to floo into a government building.

Lucius nodded, "Yes. I'm still technically on the Broad of Education and Wizengamot among other things. Why?"

"Julian got a Hogwarts letter." Severus growled as he held up the letter still in his hand

"WHAT?" Draco snapped and ran over to see this letter faster than his parents. "It's in your old name, but how? ... you lived in a cupboard?" Draco looked at his friend feeling a strong urge to hug him and offer comfort so he did. He could tell this affected Julian who hugged back firmly.

Tanzanite looked down at Draco from the spot on Julian's head and huffed, 'He's smaller than we last met. You're a head taller than him.' He muttered clearly just wanting to go and get this letter situation discussed so he can burn the one responsible to a crisp. No one messes with his human and lives to tell about it.

"This isn't right." Lucius frowned as he took the letter and skimmed it.

"We were planning on speaking with the minister of the UK." Brian was starting to question his instincts when even Lucius gave him an odd look.

"You guys should go then. I'll handle the Gringotts arrangements, honey." Narcissa said as she leaned up and kissed Lucius.

"I'm coming too." Draco said as he and Sasha flooed away with the group leaving his mother behind. They appeared in huge hallway that had several large fireplaces going along the walls.

Julian looked down at Draco as Tanzanite shrank smaller and hid in his hair so he didn't cause a commotion yet, "What is your Mom arranging?"

The silver eyed blonde smiled, "We're having a moon room of my own built."

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