"Then you'll be in trouble next year when our little brother, Ron, gets here." George grinned cheekily as they neared the moving stairs.

"Oh? Is he more like you two or like Percy?" Severus asked.

"Well thankfully he isn't like Percy, but ... we're working on him." Fred said sneakily.

"Not the pranking mastermind like you two then." The potions professor concluded in amusement.

"Barely a mind at all!" The twins snickered.

"Doesn't sound like I'll be in trouble." Severus said with a fake sigh of relief.

"Hey professor, what are you reading?" Fred asked curiously.

George tilted his head and brought the lantern closer to the magazine so he could see the title and his jaw dropped in shock upon seeing the wedding magazine showing different wedding venues. "Blimy! Are you getting married, Professor Snape!?' George exclaimed just loud enough for some of the living portraits along the walls near the Gryffindor dorm entrance to wake up.

Before the portraits could see them Severus cast a 'not notice me' spell, "Yes actually." He answered casually.

The twins eyes lit up, "COOL! Do we know who it is? Guy or girl? How long have you been dating?"

The potion master raised his hands in a defensive move though he looked more amused then anything else, "Calm down. I've been dating two woman-yes, they both know about each other." Severus added quickly before the twins thought he was a two timer or something. "In fact, they're twin sisters and potion masters. The three of us have been dating for about 6 ½ years and I proposed over the summer last year, but we all teach so we only started planning now. Now that's enough on my personal life. Off to bed with you troublemakers."

"Night, professor!" The twins said the password and the Fat Lady opened her door though she looked a little startled since she couldn't see the student talking to her. Right after the twins disappeared behind the door Severus dropped the spell and let out an amused sigh as he heard all the portraits chattering about his personal business. Not that it mattered really. This is the last year he had to hide his life away from Dumbledore.

In the morning Severus walked into the Great hall and was immediately confronted by Minerva. "What's this rumor going around about you getting married?" She asked and she would clearly be a little hurt that Severus wouldn't tell her personally if it turned out that the rumors were true.

"Bloody hell, those portraits gossip fast. Yes, it's true. Before you yell at me keep in mind I am a target for any wayward Death Eaters whether they believe I'm with them or not." Severus said using the best excuse he had that wasn't the full truth. Yes it was technically true, but he can avoid those idiots easily by going home to Australia. The main reason for years of silence was, of course, Julian ...

"Oh, that's right ... I'm sorry." Minerva apologized sheepishly. It was easy to forget that a few of Voldemort's followers were still active even so long after the war. If any of them tried to seek Severus out for help and noticed how he was teaching with Voldemort's sworn enemy they would immediately realize that he was a spy. That would be dangerous for both Severus and the person he's marrying.

"Could I have a moment alone with Severus, Minerva?" Dumbledore asked as he entered the Great Hall, which was empty save for the three of them.

"Yes of course, Albus." Minerva said and went to the hall to make sure the students were coming.

Dumbledore gave the potions professor a concerned grandfatherly look, "Severus, is what the portraits saying true? You are going to get married? That is terribly unwise-"

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