A moment after he heard Aster say 'UK Gringotts' Julian felt a sudden rush of warmth, but then nothing except the sounds of a very different place. Feeling brave ... or the effects of the calming potion ... Julian peeked out and gasped in awe at the building they were in. It was amazing! The creatures running around or working at the counters were the goblins his Daddy mentioned and weren't as scary as he expected.

One goblin walked over to them, "Brian White for the adoption potion and exams, correct?"

"Yes and this is my son who goes by Julian now and my friend, Aster." Brian introduced as they followed the goblin to a beautiful private room with a set of plush blue chairs around a pedestal and a coffee table.

"I am Ironclaw. I will be acting as a witness so once the potion master, Severus Snape, the goblin Griphook who handled your case thus far and the head of our bank, Ragnuk, all arrive we can start. Refreshments or snacks?" The goblin offered as some drinks and little cakes and cookies appeared on the table. Brian chuckled as Julian shyly took a cookie and said thank you ...

A little while later Ragnuk arrived. All that was left was the potion master ...


Severus inspected the vial of purple liquid and nodded in approval. With the potion placed into a brown potions bag he was ready to leave. With one quick floo he was in Gringotts ...

"Perfect timing as always, Severus." said Griphook as he came over to the tall potion master.

"Indeed ... I was wondering if I could sit in on the exams this time." Severus said though he knew it was usually allowed.

Griphook sent Severus a strange look before gesturing for the wizard to follow, "I'm glad you want to because we arranged everything for you to be there."

That comment caught Severus completely off guard. Why would his presence be needed there? Sure the potion masters are allowed to sit in, but to have his presence arranged was quite unusual. Did he know the person adopting the child? That would explain why he would be wanted there, but who did he know who is adopting? ... no one and he knew no children being adopted. So suffice to say he was curious to see what was going on. After what seemed like a very long walk through twisting hallways they stood in front of a door he knew was the exam room ...

Once the door opened he instantly took account of Ragnuk and Ironclaw's expectant glances. The other people he saw was an unfamiliar white haired young woman with violet eyes and an unfamiliar blonde man with blue eyes ... oddly he didn't recognize anyone so why did the goblins look ready for an explosion ...

Bark! Severus's eyes locked on an animated plush wolf in the arms of the small boy curled up in the blonde man's arms. At first, he didn't see the tiny child, but now that he did, he noticed something.

The large goblin nodded, "Now that Severus Snape is here with the potion we can start." Ragnuk said. The child shyly peeked up at the potion master with the most dazzling green eyes ... it was Harry Potter! The scar was gone, but there was no mistaking those eyes. Severus was frozen in place. Why the hell was Harry, Lily's son, being adopted? Albus said he was being spoiled rotten by loving guardians in an unknown place. This can't be happening ... but then again ... the goblins wouldn't have allowed any trickery in an adoption so what's going on?

Ironclaw internally sighed in relief as Severus finally sat down, "Ok Julian, hop up on the pedestal and we'll start. This won't hurt at all and if you want you can hold your toy."

Brian carried Julian to the pedestal and set him on since the boy was too small to hop up by himself. Once Brian sat down in the chair closest to the pedestal the runes Julian was sitting on started glowing. "It's ok, Julian. The runes are only scanning you. It will be over in a minute. See, Mickey isn't worried." The headmaster said softly when the boy whimpered fearfully despite the plush wolf cuddling with him.

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