Kulasekara Perumal

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Thaniyan on Sri Kulasekara Perumal

"O! Green hued parrot! Come hither ! I will give you some sweet nectar!. You
should always mutter the name of Kulasekara- who composed the sweet poem on
the auspicious qualities of Lord Ranganatha lying in the South direction at
Srirangam; who is the darling of beautiful damsels with bow - like eyebrows;
who is the King of Chera kingdom; who is a great Prapanna and who is our
crown jewel"

-Emperumaanar Ramanujar

With mountains and rivers sorrounding the mighty empire of Cheras, the common people in their kingdom is leading a prosperous life. The country and royal family is blessed with everything but a heir.

Thier efficient ruler Thidaviradhan, prayed to Lord Narayana to bless him with a son. Pleased upon his devotion, the Lord blessed Thidaiviradhan and Naadhanayaki with a son, who is the very incarnation of the Kausthubamani, the precious divine gem adorning the chest of Lord Vishnu.

"As a blessing of Lord Narayana, my this son is full of divinity, his face ever-glowing bringing happiness all around. He is special, as he is born in the same star as Lord Rama, in Punarpoosa Nakshathra. I name him Kulasekara, the very pride of this clan.", announced King Thidaviradhan, the new born gurgling in his hand.

Everyone hailed the new born prince, chanting the praise of the Royal family.

He grew up, did all the mischiefs as every child does, but his devotion towards Lord Narayana kept increasing each day. He learnt all the scriptures, well trained as a warrior and learned about important issues prevailing in the county.

As years passed by, his father, King Thidaviradhan gave up his throne and made Kulasekara as the new ruler of Chera dynasty and appointed him as the next Padmanabhadasa.(In Travancore, it is Lord Padmanabha who is considered as the King and those who comes from the royal family are considered as his servants.)

He ruled them efficiently, even better than his father and all the subjects were happy about his rule. Seeing his growing prospects, the Pandian and Chola Kings got jealous and decided to wage a war on his country in which Kulasekara won and extended his empire.

He was unconquerable and so powerful as no one dared to be his enemy.

He was also married to the Princess of Pandian dynasty and blessed with a son named Thidaiviradhan and daughter named Ilai.

Once when King Kulasekara was asleep in his chamber, he had a lucid dream.

Lord Venkateswara appeared in his dream. "Oh Kulasekara!", he said, "Live a life with full of steadfast devotion and love. Realise the main purpose of your life and live to attain and complete the very purpose which you are born for!"

The king woke up with a start. He was confused. He couldn't concentrate in any of his duties anymore as he considered them as unworthy and serving the Lotus feet of Lord Narayana meant more more important to him than any of this kingly affairs.

He wanted to know the real purpose of his life.

He invited various devotees to his kingdom, conversed with them seeking spiritual knowledge and also donated his wealth for constructing and renovating temples.

Years passed by. He always sorrounded himself with Vishnu bhakts, chanting the praises of Him, immersing himself in spirituality.

He also heard the story of Ramayana everyday in his court, narrated by a Bhagavata. Everytime he hears the story of Ramayana he finds himself full of tears unable to control his emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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