...chapter 10...

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    After a very long and boring week, it was finally Friday.
"Be sure to study for the exam next Tuesday. Class dismissed." Finally! Sensei can talk for hours!

Hearing the soft squeak of sneakers, and pitter patter of feat next to the desk, I look up, only to be met with emerald green eyes.

"I-izuku!" I missed my bestfriend so much.

"H-hey Y/n...wanna walk with me today? I need to talk  to all-might." Oh my goodness, he must've really missed me...I don't care about Katsuki right now, I've neglected my best friend.

And boy, could you see the anger and hurt on katsuki's face.

"Sure Izuku, I would love to. I missed you so much!"  With a smile, I stand up and hug Izuku. He giggles lightly, like a child, and hugs me back. His face must be on fire.

Suddenly, I hear very heavy shoes rush over to me. In a flash of blonde, me and Izuku are separated.

"Dont you dare fucking touch her you worthless deku!" Why must he bully my bestfriend.

What the FUCK is your problem katsuki!?"

"G-guys, w-whats going o-on? A-are you two together o-or something?" Oh Izuku, If only I could tell you how I feel about him. I actually find him quite attractive but I just cant stand his attitude...even though it's one of my favorite parts about him. I know Izuku qouldn't care because he loves me, I'm his bestfriend, but I still feel like I'd hurt him. I just dont know what to do.

So, I walk away. Katsuki, and Izuku's eyes follow me as I walk away. I hear footsteps run up to me, so I walk faster, but so do the footsteps. I turn around abruptly, and the footsteps stop. There I front of me, is Katsuki, holding out a letter to me. It's from...


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