Chapter 2

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I talk with the creature for a while, him exchanging his name with me. Me and Slenderman walk down the long hallways for what seems like hours until we finally got to a room. It already has a name tag on the door for me.

That's weird, how did he know my name.

As we walk in my eye widen, amazed by the amazing decorating skills. It has all my stuff in it from my house besides my lights and paintings, but as in right on que someone walks in with a box full of my lights and paintings.

"God dammit slender, I had to do this all by myself because Ben slacked off AGAIN" he says. He has shoulder length black hair, piercing blue eyes, bleached pale skin, and a crooked cut smile. I stare at his mouth, gazing at the gashes in curiosity as I wonder what happened to him.

As he finishes ranting to Slenderman he looked over my way, finally acknowledging my existence. He looks at me for a second before putting the box down and turning my way.

"Jeff" Jeff says, obviously not too interesting in started a conversation. "Y/N" i say, rubbing the back of my neck. "Thank you by the way" I say. "No problem" he mumbles, walking out of the room.

Slenderman looks at with his non existing eyes and says "Well as you heard, his name is Jeff. He will also be your guide around the house" Slender says. I hear Jeff groan from down the hall. "But Slender whyy..." he moans out exaggeratedly. If slender has eyes and if looks could kill, I'm sure Jeff would be dead by now. "Ok ok fine." Jeff says. Jeff signals to follow him and I do.

Time skip

After seeing every place and being given a map for help, we go back to Slendy. Slender tells us to meet him down in the living room for a meeting, so me and Jeff quickly hurry to the living room, only to be greeted by tons of people.

"Come on, let's introduce yourself to everyone" Slender says, 'looking' in my direction. I sigh, not enjoying any of the attention. "Hello everyone, my name is Y/N and I guess I'll be staying" I say, turning away in embarrassment.

A few people come up to me to chat, and pretty soon I learned everyone's name. Just as I was about to walk back to my room a little girl comes up behind me and pulls at my shirt. "Yes Sally?" I look down at her. "Do you wanna play tea party with me, Charlie, Toby, and Jeff?" She ask in a sweet tone, one that would be hard to deny. "Okay fine, as long as I can get a super pretty dress" I say before smiling while I'm actually dying inside, only doing this to make her happy. "Okay!" She replies before getting Jane to give me a makeover.

Time skip~

Jane gave me a black dress to perfectly match my soul (Joking.. Unless)

(You do not have to wear the dress obviously

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(You do not have to wear the dress obviously.)

This seems more like a prom dress than a tea party dress, but whatever.

As I walk into Sally's room I see everyone sitting there, but when I look over to the guys I burst out in laughter.

Both wearing pink sparkling shirts, and Jeff's hair in pigtails. "BAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE. You too, Sally!" I say while still laughing. Toby laughs while Jeff buries his head into his knees and groans.

"Shut up" he mumbles, which makes me laugh harder. Sally then serves us imaginary tea. I look over at Jeff. He seems pretty interesting, but how close could I get to him? It may seem a little bit weird, but he seems cool. I'd like to ask him but that seems rude. I'll ask him another time.

We all talk for what seems like hours and hours before it turns darker.  Slendy tells us to go so Sally could sleep. Me and Jeff walk to the kitchen together, finally starting a conversation.

"We usually beat Bens ass because he's annoying, and Masky usually beats Toby's ass for annoying him" Jeff says while chuckling. "Also, don't even think you are gonna get any waffles for breakfast unless you ask, or Toby WILL kill you" he states. Well damn, well Toby really cares for his breakfast food.

We continue to talk and talk for what seemed like 30 minutes but was actually about 2 hours. I start to grow sleepier and sleepier by the minute. I still wanna talk to Jeff but-

Jeff's P.O.V

Me and Y/N have been talking for awhile, he dosing off a bit every now and then. We were talking about food when she suddenly passed out, laying her head on the table as she snores quietly. She must have gotten too tired i guess.

I chuckle to myself before carefully picking her up and walking to her room. It makes wonder... why didnt Slender kill her right on the spot? I mean, that's what he always does. Was there something different about her? I think I'm gonna talk to him about that in a second.

As I continue walking to her room something shift in front of me, almost making me drop her. "Ben what the actual fuck?!" I whisper-yell. "Sorry man, I just came to tell you that Slender wants to talk to you about something in his office." He replies. "Alright" I groan. I finally reached her room. I carefully open the door, placing her on the bed and putting blankets on her.

"Goodnight new bitch" i chuckle, turning and walking towards the door. "Goodnight hoe" She replies tiredly. I grin to myself, making my way to Slenders office.

Another time skip because I'm lazy as hell and do not want to talk about his trip down the endless hallways

I finally arrive to Slenders office, knocking on the door lightly. "Come on in" he tells me through my mind, which freaks me out every time. I take a seat, looking up at him. "You're wondering about why I didn't just kill Y/N right on the spot, I know. I think that there is something special with Y/N. I feel like Y/N might have a power, or she might be a help to us in someway, and I'm never wrong Jeffery" he says.

I sit there, stunned. She might have a fucking power..? She might be of help to us..? She better be really strong or else she's dead meat, I'm going to have to tell her about this in the morning.

Ohhh you might have a power? Cliffhanger, I know. I just updated this story twice in a day. What do you think should be your power?? Logging off, my waffle children. Until next time.

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