Halloween Surprise

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"Can I be a unicorn?" Cat asks as she, Tori, Jade, Trina, and the guys sit in the Black Box Theater after school to come up with costumes for Hollywood Arts' Halloween Dance, titled 'The Great Halloween Bash'. (Sikowitz came up with it when Principle Helen came up with the idea for dances once a month, some based on month-specific holidays such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas, and New Years, and since he didn't care enough to think, he just modified the name of his sleepover two years ago.)

"No." Jade says from beside her redheaded best friend.

"Phooey." Cat says, pouting as she holds her purple giraffe, Mr. Purple, close to her chest.

"What about the rest of you? Any ideas?" Tori asks from Cat's other side, raising an eyebrow at the way Trina 'accidentally' threw herself into Beck to sit on his lap.

"What about pirates?" Robbie asks, giving Cat a quick look.

"No pirates, Robbie. You know Cat hates to play 'Pirates' with you." Tori says, shutting down the idea.

With a small frown, Robbie looks away as the others give more ideas. "How about we re-enact 'The Scissoring', with all of you the victims and me Tawni Walker Black?" Jade suggests with a smirk.

"NO!" The all yell back, Tori and Cat showing the most fear in their voices.

"Sheesh, calm down. It was just a suggestion." Jade says, rolling her eyes. "I don't hear any of you giving ideas."

"Who says it has to be a group idea?" Trina suggests from Beck's lap, looking at her sister.

"She's got a point."Andre says with a hint of surprise, the others sharing his surprise.

"Fine. How about we go home and meet up at the party?" Beck asks, trying, and failing, to push Trina off his lap.

"Sounds good to me." Jade says, standing up and leaving.

"I still want to be a unicorn." Cat whispers as she stands up and collects her stuff.

"No unicorn, Cat." Jade says, sticking her head in the door before leaving.

"How does she do that?" Tori asks, watching the door.

An hour later, Tori and her sister find themselves going through a costume shop that's only open between late September and early November, trying to find a good costume.

"What about this?" Tori asks, grabbing a costume of a Disney Princess, Jasmine.

"No." Trina says, not looking. "What about this? You think Beck will love me in this?" She asks, showing Tori a costume of a belly dancer with a thin top.

"You want to be a stripper?" Tori asks, staring at the costume, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a belly dancer, not a stripper." Trina says, rolling her eyes with a groan. "Just because you don't have the looks to get a boyfriend, doesn't mean you can insult me." She says, grabbing the costume and walking towards the changing room to try it on.

"What does me being single have to do with anything?" Tori asks, stunned.

Shaking her head, Tori puts the Jasmine costume away and looks through more, seeing a 'Goth Queen' costume that looks interesting. With a small smirk, she heads to an open changing room to try it on.

"Tori? Where are you?" Trina asks, opening the door to get her sister to tell her how good she looks.

"Trying on a costume." Tori says, opening the door. "What do you think?" She asks, striking a pose similar to what Jade usually does. With the pose, she shows the full costume. The top is a dark purple tank top with a mesh over top, a long matching purple dress that stops at her ankles on one side, the other side going up at an angle to her thigh. There's also a pendent with a silver chain, the pendent a blood red heart.

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