His words remind me of the morning's events. And of the one that got away.

"There was another one," I blurt out, ignoring the stinging in my side and knee as I quickly stand. My words come out in a rush, "A vampire. He ran off. He could be anywhere, you've got to get him, he should be blind, I don't know if it would've healed, I—"

Finn stands and puts his hands on my shoulders, all at once silencing me and encouraging me to sit back down. His eyes alight and his grip tightens. "We're after him, Falon. Just relax."

"Finn, they were after me. The vampire said they wanted my—my blood. I don't know if he was telling the truth. What in the name of holy shits going on?"

His eyes narrow. A dollar in the swear jar.

He sighs and considers my question."Something that goes much deeper than I

thought." His face dims, his usually bright eyes blacken, and even his manly scruff seems

a bit less... scruffy.

I study his face and wonder about my father. I know he must not have had Finn's dark brown eyes and equally dark brown hair, his gruff stubble, or square jaw. It might've been his face I was looking at instead, under different circumstances. But that man doesn't matter; the one with me now, the one that's always been here, is the one that does.

I blink away my straying thoughts. "That's not an answer. That's an evasion. Were they the danger you were worried about?" I ask.

He sighs again.

"Well, tell me something, Finn. For Christ's sake, I almost died!"

Wolf yips in warning and I pull back on my temper. Finn's lips purse and his eyes shine with guilt. Not the effect I was going for.

"I'm not a damsel in distress," I say, taking his hand, "Don't lock me up in the tower, give me a damn sword."

Squeezing his hand, I smile, trying to bring him back from the dark hole he so often falls into.

"The werewolf is—was—Garrick, and the other one," he starts.

"Ramsey," I spit.

Wolf growls.

"Yes, Ramsey," he continues, "aren't the ones I went looking for."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I was sent on a wild goose chase. I caught someone north of here who said they were after Simon for the circulation system. It was a distraction. Ramsey and Garrick were the real deal."

"What would make a werewolf and vampire team up? Do they work for the Order?"

Finn's eyes widen. That was the right question to ask then. He opens his mouth, but clicks it shut again.

All I know about "the Order" is the name: the Order of Eucharist. And that they're basically a vampire cult Finn used to work for. He's very hush-hush about them—about his past in general. He's haunted by the life that came before me. And I know better than to ask. If there's one thing I've learned from growing up with vampires it's that everyone has a past. And it's usually a painful one.

But I've never been too interested in asking more about them. Religion is a weird human thing I've never been able to wrap my head around. And I can't imagine the reasons why vampires would seek it out. If humans could start wars with it, commit genocide, it's terrifying to think about what vampires could do with that kind of belief behind them—or what they've already done.

As long as they're not poaching in my forest or planning to build a parking garage in the Refuge, I couldn't care less. But, after this morning, I guess I should start.

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