Obi-Wan entered the cell. "Master Windu!"

Shaking, a head raised from the crippled mass. "A bit old for an Imperial Interrogator, aren't you?" His eyes darted about his cell and to Obi-Wan. "What'll it be this time, hmm? Torture? Mind probe?" The dark-skinned Jedi clutched his ribs at sat up, eyes staring into an abyss. "I'll not disappoint. Come on, then. Get on with it."

"Master Windu. It's me. Obi-Wan."


The captive gazed at one of the polished walls in the holding cell and stared at his reflection. Gray hair flowed over his shoulders, a stark contrast to the clean-shaven style he preferred before his incarceration. He touched his beard and compared it to the one who called himself Obi-Wan. Both were peppered white and gray, but Mace's unkempt facial hair extended down to his chest.

Mace Windu straightened, sparked by an inner energy that he had been protecting for many years. It must be at least twenty years since Palpatine. I knew this day would come.

"Young Ben Kenobi, is that really you?" Master Windu rubbed his eyes and leaned forward on the narrow bench.

"It is I, Master." He gave a slight bow. "I have come to free you, as you told me I would those many years ago." Obi-Wan paused. "Though I must admit, your directions were terrible."

Mace chuckled, grabbed at his ribs and winced. "Yes. I suppose they were." He licked his cracked lips. "It hasn't been long since they transferred me here. I lost track of my time in the Emperor's dungeon on Coruscant. Tell me. How long has it been?"

"Nineteen years, Master Windu. And for a good many of those, I lost track of your presence and feared the worst."

"Nineteen years," Mace said, touching his face and then gazing at his trembling hand.

Obi-Wan reached into the fold of his robe and retrieved a nutrition bar, handed it to the Jedi Master. "Eat it in small bites," Obi-Wan instructed as he pulled out a thin flask of water next. He passed it to Mace.

The newly liberated Jedi's opened his eyes wide when Obi-Wan removed the final object from his robe. The alloys of the cylindrical hilt glistened even in the poor lighting of the cell.

"I retrieved this from your chamber in the Temple, Master. I hope you do not mind."

Master Windu took the lightsaber and grasped it firmly.

A smile formed across Obi-Wan's lips. "I trust you still no how to use it?"

Mace stared at him for a full minute, tears welling in his eyes but refusing to fall. My backup lightsaber.

"Obi-Wan, my friend, I could not ask for anything more. You have done exactly as agreed, all of this according to the Force dreams and plan we derived decades ago.

Windu rubbed his right shoulder, exposing the bandaged stub that remained of his limb. Obi-Wan gasped.

"Now-now. No need for that. Skywalker followed his part in this grand design, his fate far grislier than mine." Windu coughed and stood, knees wobbling. "He was right, you know? Killing Palpatine then would have only delayed the inevitable. I have seen it. Anakin was right."

"As have I." Obi-Wan closed his eyes for a moment as if sensing something. "It is as we feared. Palpatine had cloned himself before he overthrew the Senate and rose as Emperor. Only by playing out this charade has Master Yoda been able to confirm the existence of the cloning facility. But, as we knew then, the location will only be revealed to his apprentice."

"Let us not dwell on our well-laid plans here and now. We all know what we must do, even the new Skywalker. What's their name?"

"Luke. His name is Luke—but there is ano—"

Mace interrupted. "No. It's not important. We are short on time, Master Kenobi." He stabbed the activation stub on the hilt and a pink blade snapped and hissed to life, brought it up to his ear. The energy blade seared off a lock of his tangled hair. Mace brought the blade in front of his face and skimmed his chin over the humming weapon. "Come, Ben. You will give me my last haircut and shave. These sacraments I bestow upon you."

"As you wish, Master." Obi-Wan lit his own lightsaber, blue-blade following the contours of his comrade's skull until all his hair fell to the floor. "Ah. There you are."

"Now you must go, my friend." Mace gave a nod. "You must fulfill your destiny, as I must fulfill mine. We are one with the Force."

Obi-Wan did not argue. Instead, he bowed in respect and said, "May the Force be with you, Master." He turned to leave, checking back to his friend one last time before shutting the door, leaving the armed Jedi Master to await the next person who entered. That person would be most unfortunate.

STAR WARS: Presage of the Force (A Fan Fic by Michael Holiday)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ