chapter 3

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 this chapter is dedicated to EllaNoir666

One question. Only one question is going through luffy's mind as he destroys everything in sight.' Where are my Nakama?' with each time he asked himself that he became more angry. More frantic. More scared. And this over sized pervert in a skin tight suit was not helping.( aka all might ) In fact, it made him more angered. Now, luffy isn't one to destroy things without reason, or get angered easily. But something here is off. This place is off. Just as he was about release his anger on the oversized perv, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Not even having to turn around, he knew who it was.' Traffy.' he both visibly and mentally relaxed. As luffy turn to face him, he noticed that law is just as panicked as him. This snaps luffy out of his mixed emotions. He looks around at all the damage he's done and breaks down crying.








He looks around at all the damage and simply laughs. " Shishishishi! Oops! " Law just slaps his head. 'Only straw hat' Law thinks with a sigh. Surprisingly though, law wears a fond smile. The perv takes this moment to speak. " Ahem. As I was About to say, Do not fear. For I am h-" "Hay Traffy! Whos the perv with the weird face?" The now verbally labeled perv just stared at him in shock 'Perv?' he thought. Perv shook it off.

 "I am all might!" luffy gave all might a confused look.

 " what kind of guy is named All crist and has carrots sticking out of his head?" luffy asks, completely confused. Suddenly, before all might can respond, a shout rings across the area. " canyon cannon!"

 Suddenly, the building next to luffy and law clalaps. A bunch of weirdos walk out of its smoke.( all the pro heros who was helped rescue bakugou) one blonde lady in a skin tight suit ran up to luffy and said," hey your cute! My names mount lady, would you like so beer?"

 luffy, completely ignoring her,asked " why did you guys blow up a building?" the one with a bunch of wood on him said " we do not have to answer to criminals." To which earned a snort form law. ' ok! Well i have to go find my nakama, so bye!" luffy said with a adorable smile

. He then turned around and prepared for a gum gum rocket. " not so fast! " all might said grabbing his shoulder. Or at least attempted too. Grabbing nothing, all might was punched into a wall of a building. Luffy, who had reaperd to the normal eye, grind darkly, hat covering his eyes. " thank god. I've been itching to vent some anger." he said his grin getting bigger

. Everyone in the area gulped hard, even law. This was gonna be a tough fight for the pros.

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