Liberation- Subaru (part 2/2)

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't matter, I need you to tell me you'll get me out of here" She insisted.

"As much as I wish I could, I can't make any promises but I will try my best" I said with a solemn expression.

she nodded.

I looked at the padlock again, it had no slot for a key, it was simply just permanently locked. whoever had placed it there obviously only cared about Christa not getting out. Besides there was something  wrong about this place all-together. I lived my life in cold, dark spots like this one, yet this castle still managed to make me nervous. I ignored the feeling and tried to open the padlock, but nothing happened, I tried again, this time holding on to it. That's when I felt it, the shot of searing pain that invaded my arms, I dropped the padlock with a gasp. I had felt that was black magic.

 I looked at Christa.

"Who...locked you here?" I asked.

"I already told you!, I'm a prisoner of Karlheinz!" She repeated

"No, I'm not talking about the one who gave the orders,  but about the one who  brought you here and placed this lock on your cell" I clarified.

"It was his brother and...that woman" hesitating  before finally saying her name "Cordelia" .

You could have thought she was referring to the devil. I  even saw a shadow of fear further darken her cloudy eyes.

"This's sealed with  powerful black magic... I don't practice black magic" I felt my heart drop as I told her this, since I ached to be able to help her.

Everything went silent.

"no..No!...NO!!" she screamed, and then started sobbing again.

"I'm so sorry, I really wish I could do something for you...If you need ...I could...get Subaru" I offered. desperate to make her feel better.

"No! keep him away from me! Keep that filthy child away from me! He's a monster, just like his father A MONSTER!!" she screamed again, I couldn't believe what she was saying.

"How could you call him that he is your son?" I was so astonished  my voice was barely audible.

"He's a MONSTER!!, I told him!...I TOLD HIM TO KILL ME BUT HE WOULDN'T DO IT!!" she howled holding on to the bars of the cell "COWARD!!"

Then it finally dawned on me how disturbed this woman truly was.  Despite feeling sorry for her, there was a part of me that wanted to call her the filthiest could she do that to her own child?.

"I'm sorry... I wish...I could get you out of here...but even if could...I'm not sure you deserve to get out" My voice cracked on the last word. After hearing me she went silent again.

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