Forgotten Memories

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The first day of summer,that's when I saw him. A god? An angel? A ghost? Well, it was none of the above; he was a Lucifer himself and this is my story. 

After getting the summer job at a beachside restaurant and bar it was going great until early before the shop opened "Okay everyone gather around.We have a new member joining us this summer.His name is Alex be nice and behave." my boss,the one who owns this small business, said in a stern voice. "Okay" all 15 workers except for me said in union. I was the first to get back to getting the place ready to be opened while Alex was surrounded by the female staff which was questioning him nonstop without even two minutes passing he made his way over to me. Why is he coming over here I thought. "Hey are you Lexi?" the tall blonde asked me. " Yeah wait how do you even kno-" he suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out to the beach coast. 

*On the beach * 

I finally got my hand free from his grasp and shouted "What the hell is wrong with you?" "Don't you remember me?" he asked me with disappointment. "Should I?" I asked. "WHAT! What do you mean by 'should I?" He yelled at me. "Huh? What are you talking about?" I questioned. Alex took a deep breath in then out, "Actually your my"

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