Providence Driven Lives

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Sanyukta was back. Back to the place she rightfully belonged. Back to her Alma Mater. Back to the place that had waited eagerly for her arrival. Back to where the Almighty had scripted major portion of her years in.
But her vivacity had gone ashtray. The burden of leaving her family for her dreams, had left her lifeless. She didn't have anything to look forward to, now that even Randhir had denied his love. She knew there must have been some huge reason behind his denial, but she vowed to rectify her mistakes and stand up for her only well-wisher.
As the hired ambassador screeched to a halt in front of the hoarding, "FITE", she found life seeping into her system. This was not her home, away from home ; but her only domicile, with her machines and the dream she had preserved in her heart.
She had to go beyond the four walls of her wealthy residence to step here. She had been provided with an ultimatum, to choose between her dreams and her family. And she had eloped from her dwelling, thus rightfully keeping her dreams over her orthodox family. She would pursue her dream and probably one day, her family would be proud of her.
As the night ushered in, she climbed down the hostel stairs to gulp in the fresh FITE air and saturate her lungs. She knew another difficult day was snaking in to test her efficiency and she was ready. Her crony-cum-roommate was not there and spending the time in her hostel room with Vidhushi, didn't sound thrilling either.
She dabbed her swollen eyes with her fingers, and smiled cursing her fate for the umpteenth time.
Silent footsteps grabbed her attention and before she could lift her eyelashes to witness the intruder, he crouched down beside her, glancing at the moonlight firmament.
Parth. Her long-lost buddy. Some baffling misunderstandings had snatched away their bonding, but they still cared.
"What is the emotion ruling your heart now, Sanyukta?", he enquired of her, still gaping at the moon.
She took some time to gulp in the question. Composing herself, she replied, "Betrayal."
"Better. I hope it's not regret.", he murmured, turning his eyes towards her.
"No. Never.", she smiled weakly, concealing the twinge that hollowed her heart.
"Won't you ask me the same thing?", he asked, bemused at how Sanyukta had always quipped back to his questions.
"Go ahead.", she smiled, rubbing her palms to shed off the cold.
"One can't help feeling proud of a friend, who at last got the courage to stand up for the right and her right.", he whispered, barely audible in between the chattering of the crickets nearby.
She smiled, her eyes radiating pleasure and pride simultaneously. Chuckling, she beamed ahead; ahead to a life full of unguarded happiness.
"You know the reason behind your undaunted courage, that has bubbled inside you all of a sudden?", he raised another query, supposedly knowing the answer better.
She looked up to him, like always, trying to grasp the unsaid answer.
"Randhir.", he managed a reply.
Silence engulfed them, as they both stared at the horizon, gaping at the uncertain upcoming.
"Randhir has lent you the valour to stand up for your rights. Randhir had always been the one, who had selflessly supported your dreams. He is the reason, you have emotions left in you.", he patted her back, indeed living up to the definition of a best friend.
Her face welcomed a sublime smile, that slowly turned to a wry hue as she remembered his denial in front of all.
"He is a bit impulsive, you see. But if there is someone who can forfeit his life for you, it's none other than him. Trust me when I say that. And he....needs you.", he smiled weakly, which faded in the blooming darkness.
"I know."
Judging the turn of the conversation, she chuckled, baffling him again.
"What about Vidhushi? Ahem ahem..", she giggled, holding her tummy in between her palms, earning a glare from Parth.
This was quite a way to forget her miseries, or at least give them a backseat as of now. She had missed the fun, one gets on teasing her best friend.
"Why do you hate her? She isn't that bad?", she mellowed her tone.
"Coming from a person, who forms topmost priority of Vidhushi's hit list.", he coated her tone with heavy dose of sarcasm.
"Oh please. I guess she has an innate problem with me. But how does it bother you? She loves you, regardless, Parth.", she smiled, blissfully.
"And I don't want to lead her the wrong way, when I can't provide her with the slightest bit of love. I am taken, Sanyukta. My love died with Arpita. I just live life now for the sake of living it."
"Oh Stop your rubbish, Taichi Baba. You sound like a 70-year old. Even Arpita must have face palmed in heaven, listening to your year-old film dialogues. Arpita is there in your heart. Just make a new place there for Vidhushi. Is it that tough?", she advised the advisor.
"I can never feel for her. And that's for sure."
"Stop beating round the bush. And try for once, at least. You won't be disappointed. Just acknowledge her love, instead of humiliating her every time.", she spoke willingly about love, as her mind played slideshows of all the encounters she had had with Randhir, her man.
"I had never thought that I would someday crave for someone like Randhir. But his love urged me to cherish him for the rest of my life. And once, I pulled off his façade and plunged deeper into his eyes, I witnessed the most harmonious creation of the Almighty. Parth, for once, try to rid her off her façade. She'll appear beautiful too. And you can't mourn over Arpita for long, isn't it?", Sanyukta patted his shoulder a bit, before retiring to her room for the night, while Arpita beamed from above at Parth's fate for getting such good friends.
It took some time before her advice actually sunk into his flabby brain, but when it did, he didn't waste a second to call Vidhushi.
Vidhushi was as usual chalking out new ways of wooing Parth when his call at the middle of the night, left her astounded and craving for more.
"Courtyard. In 5 minutes.", He hung up.
She put on her lipgloss, in anticipation of a full-fledged kiss this time, and grabbing her sling bag, flew down the stairs like an unabated storm, colliding against Sanyukta.
"Parth. Anything important?', she presented her toothy grin, panting for breath.
"In 2 mins. Strange. No. Nothing important. People call you for useless things only.", he smirked in mock pride.
She was already enchanted by his hazel orbs, to have paid heed to his words and stared at him without batting an eyelid.
"Look. Yes. So. I was saying. Yes. So...", he hesitated for the umpteenth time.
"Come again.", she smiled, captivated by his facial features.
"Just look somewhere else. This is so hell annoying.", he screeched, distorting his nose.
Suppressing a giggle, she looked away.
"I don't know why I am doing this. But I'll surely regret if I don't do this. I don't know if I would ever be able to return your love. But I can't turn down yours. So, I can give us a chance.", he spoke in a go.
His eyes trailed to Vidhushi, who was still in a daze.
"But for that, you have to be good, and not a villain in others' lives. And don't thank me. Thank Sanyukta. She made me understand. Now you can look this way.", he spoke reluctantly, looking down.
And as soon as he finished, Vidhushi engulfed him in a bone-crashing hug, pouring out her insecurities in him.
He pulled back and placed a moist kiss on her cheek, out of gratitude, not under the effect of any alcohol this time. And with this, he walked away, while Vidhushi stood, rooted to the spot, caressing that moist imprint on her cheek.
"Yes.", he picked up the phone.
He hung up.
"Yes.", he placed the receiver on his ear.
Yet again silence.
He hung up, annoyed.
And this continued for a considerable number of times, until she mustered up her courage to speak her heart out.
"Listen Shekhawat, Don't be too happy. I am not leaving you even for a second now. I am going to defeat you in the next task only. So no need to feel ecstatic. I know, you wanted to dump me in my house, but God had some other plans. And I'm not leaving your side for the rest of the 6 births we have together. Get it? Now sleep tight. And don't you dare plan to get rid of me. 'Cause you'll lose like always, Mr. MCP. Goodnight.", she tried, sounding stern but ended up smiling.
But her smile was nothing compared to the grin that gained control over Randhir's face that moment. His lady was back, ready to capture his heart again, with her burgeoning prowess. He silently wished her words came true and the blissful smile stayed on his face, until he woke up the next morning devouring a night full of Farzi dreams, ready to battle with her again in the mechanical lab.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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