Part 4: Camus and Cecil

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My god, I am SO sorry for how long this took! I have no excuses ;-; 

But either way, this request was made for Saraka_Kohera, I hope it's ok <3


One sunny day in a small café, two gentlemen were sat at a table enjoying a cup of tea together. The eldest male, named Camus, daintily took a sip and hummed in satisfaction as he swallowed.

"This tea is pure perfection. Wouldn't you agree, Aijima? ... Aijima?"

Camus looked up from his cup and sighed in annoyance as he noticed the younger male's failure to pay attention. He placed the cup back onto the table and crossed his arms.

"Aijima... what is that book you are reading? Your eyes have been glued to it all day."

The younger brown-haired male, named Cecil, tilted his head to the side, somewhat obliviously as he looked up from the page he was reading and gave the other male a smile.

"Hmm? Ah, sorry Camus... this is a book on Japanese culture and history, it has so many beautiful images in it that I can't stop looking at it~!"

Camus tutted as he picked up a fork and used it in order to cut off part of his piece of cake.

"I respect your taste in books but your tea is getting cold, Aijima... don't waste it."

Cecil pouted slightly as he closed the book and placed it onto the table before looking down at the cup of tea and slice of cake in front of him.

"I know..."

The younger male took a sip of his drink and soon finished it off, watching suspiciously as his mentor drunk the tea slowly and kept on adding sugar cubes to it.

"Ne, Camus? Don't you ever worry about eating too much sugar? It can't be good for you..."

Camus tutted and shook his head as he stirred the sugar into the tea and took another sip of it before placing his cup back onto the table.

"Fool. Sugar is one of nature's most precious reserves, it shouldn't be eaten in mere amounts."

Cecil huffed in a childish manner as he took a bite out of his piece of cake and finished it off. He then began to finish off his cup of tea at a quicker pace, making sure to drink it all before it went cold.

As he watched the younger man eating and drinking at a fast pace, Camus tutted and finished off his cake and cup of tea before slowly beginning to stand from his chair and taking his cane from the table beside where he sat.

"Come, Aijima... you have more studying to do."

Cecil nodded and lowered his head as he stood up also and grabbed his book before reluctantly following behind the fair-haired male.


Once the two males left the café, Cecil sighed as he continued to follow behind Camus, casually reading a page from his book.

The fair-haired male smirked as he walked in a regal manner down the street, catching the attention of many young women.

The young women giggled as they noticed the brown-haired male looking up from his book, giving them a subtle smile.

"Eee, he's so handsome~!"

"So cute~!"

Cecil chuckled a bit as he gave the girls a small wave and winked at them.

Starish/Quartet Night and Female Baby - Babysitting Scenarios!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang