Chapter 3: Ren and Tokiya

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Request for DewGlow128~!

I'm sorry it took me so long! D:


"Are you sure you guys are gonna be ok?"

A young blonde male, named Syo, looked at two elder males with a questionable expression.

One the males, named Tokiya, was sat at his desk with a book about improving vocal skills under his hand. He looked up at Syo and nodded, his face showing a subtle smile.

"Of course."

The other male, named Ren, was sat on the couch in a very casual manner. He smirked as he let out a small chuckle before looking up at Syo, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Don't worry, Ochibi-chan... we'll be fine~"

The young blonde clenched his fists and pouted as he felt a blush appear on his cheeks. He pointed at Ren and let out a small growl.

"O-oi, Ren! Don't call me that!!"

Another male, named Natsuki, chuckled happily as he grabbed Syo's hands from behind and pulled him into his chest.

"Syo-chan... don't get so worked up~! It is such a cute nickname~!"

A small group of five other boys chuckled nervously as they looked at each other and shook their heads as Natsuki dragged Syo out of the door behind him.

The red-head of the group nervously rubbed the back of his head before looking over to Ren and Tokiya. He waved to them before heading out of the door with the remaining males.

"A-anyway, we'll be back in a few hours... see you soon, guys!"

Ren and Tokiya nodded and watched as the boys left and closed the door behind them. After a few seconds, a small sigh was heard as Tokiya turned back to his desk and opened the first page of his book.

As he began to read, Ren let out a small sigh also, before walking over to the bookshelf. He picked up a modelling magazine and walked back over to the couch before laying on it, casually opening the first page.

A small smirk soon appeared on his face as he noticed two young ladies posing and wearing long flowing dresses.

"My, my... these ladies. They do make such beautiful models~"

A small sound of agreement came from Tokiya's lips as he nodded his head and paused reading his book for a few seconds, overhearing Ren's comment. He turned to face the long-haired male and glanced at the magazine that he was reading.

"Indeed. Women normally tend to outnumber men in terms of modelling... due to their appeal."

Ren looked up from the page he was reading from and smirked at the blue-haired male.

"Eh? How is it that you are so familiar with modelling, Icchi? Is there something you're not telling me~?"

Tokiya tutted and turned back to face his desk, continuing to read from his book.

"Don't be absurd. It's just general knowledge. Besides, you should not be focussing on the women, you should be researching how to further improve your modelling abilities."

The long-haired male let out an overdramatic sigh as he turned to the next page in his magazine.

"Icchi... are you suggesting that I do not take my modelling work seriously? You wound me with your cruel words."

Tokiya sighed in a frustrated manner as he shook his head and continued to read, attempting to ignore Ren's comments.

A few minutes later, Ren becomes bored with reading the magazine and places it down next to him before turning back to Tokiya.

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