The Hooded Secret

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The misty air haunted the street beside his house. As he swung open the door, he took steps towards the end of his path and approached the gate. He turned back to his house and walked down the street. The icy air penetrated his mouth and lay upon his teeth. Tommy's feet paced on top of the frozen puddles and gritty pavement. Tommy didn't know that today will be the day. Before he knew it, he was leant against the bus stop while reaching his hand out towards the bus signalling it to pull over. 'Single to Bocombe Cross School please.' He said to the bus driver. As he tore his ticket from the machine, he grabbed the first seat available. The bus was empty, except from a bloke with a hoodie on in the back seat, Tommy took his phone out of his parka's pocket and unlocked the screen. The phone read '4 messages', which Tommy dismissed and only read the first one. It was from 'Maxine' and read 'Hey Tommy, just thought I'd clear things up after the other day, It was a mistake. Don't reply.' Tommy pressed his head against the window and placed his hands over his eyes as he slowing shifted deeper into his parka.

Tommy got off the bus, at his stop and walked towards the school's main entrance. The school grounds were pretty bare it was the start of break time because Tommy was quite late. As he walked through the doors, Miss Reynards stared at tommy with her sea blue eyes. Her stare followed him as he gave her an awkward eye contact. She turned around and headed the other way, her long chocolate brown hair bounced up from her bum to back. She was very pretty and young compared to most teachers in the school, just very strict. He swept through the corridors noticing people from his year that he knew. He waved at a few people including Luke, James and Ryan. Luke was Tommy's best mate, who he knew since primary school. James and Ryan were another two close mates of Tommy's. He headed for art block in a hurry, as he speeded through grounds he finally reached art.

As he walked into the building, a cold tingle shivered down his body and he felt as he was back out in the misty streets. The block was empty and the place seemed eery. Tommy approached a small conference room and he placed his hand out onto the handle to let himself in. As his tingling hand grasped the handle and he lifted one foot to step inside the room a figure appeared behind him. Before he knew it, his head was bashed against the wall, blood splattered across the large circular table. His head was grabbed by it's hair and repeatedly smashed on the edge of the table. Tommy's eyes rolled in and out of consciousness as blood poured down his face and his skull appeared on the left side of his head. He lifted his arms in defence but they were smacked out of the way. He then dropped to the floor landed on his back. His vision blurred in and out and colours swirled around his eyes. Then a blurred figure stood over him and took a knife out of their pocket. The mystery figure leaned towards him and rested the blade against his neck. The neck was then sliced and the knife put back into the pocket. Blood escaped his body and his face turned pale. He whispered a muffled word and his mouth slowly closed. Blood covered the table and chairs in the room and the floor and walls had it spilled down it. The door was open again and quickly closed as the figure left. Tommy lay there on the ground, helpless. More blood flooded the small conference room and his eyes flickered. Shorty all movement stopped in the room apart from the flowing blood.

The bell rang throughout the school and all of the students hurried to their classes. A new student at the school, Cassandra Reading, went to art block so she could use it's toilet before next lesson. When she entered the building she screamed as she saw blood flung upon the walls and floors. The screech pierced through the walls and teachers from the classrooms came to see what had caused such a terrifying scream. When Mrs Germfelek saw the blood she ran towards it only to find Tommy's body in the conference room with Luke, his bestmate, covered in blood aswell. Luke was perched over Tommy, tears crashing down his face onto Tommy's stomach.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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