Half Loved ~ Chap 14: The Boys are Back

Start from the beginning

“Carter?” Jace groaned with his eyes still closed.

Fudge. Was he walking up? What do I do? What do I do?

Jace shifted uneasily in his bed and I quickly jumped off of mine. Now I know why I’m here! A sharp pang of emotions went through me as I remembered more about last night... turned out I got too drunk and puked on myself... well, it was on the floor, and then some on... OH DAMN! I puked all over Jace last night! Then he took me away from the party and next thing I know, I wake up in his room!

Dang dang dang. What do I do? I can’t let him see me as a girl! Heck, that would definitely cause a scene! I need to get out of here! Think. Think. THINK! Where in the world can I hide?!? Oh yeah! The bathroom!

With stealth that would make a Lion look like a kitty, I dashed from the side of the bed and into the bathroom. Yup. Just in time to find myself a hiding place in his dirty laundry. I carefully lift the lid up and climbed in like a ninja. Oh yeah. I was definitely a ninja.

As I tried my best to camouflage in my hiding place, I couldn’t help but notice the smell of Jace’s dirty laundry. I mean, call me weird but dang. It smelled good. Seriously, it’s definitely not daisy freshness(I mean duh, it’s his dirty laundry!), but the unusual manly scent that was there certainly smelled somewhat attractive. I heard some shuffling in the room and all I could do was to close my eyes as I held my breath.

If I was a swimmer, this would probably be the longest time I held my breath. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard the door close and waited about a minute more before I slowly crept out of my hiding spot. I gently peered out of the door and found out that Jace already left. Whew.

I rested my hands on the sink and looked up. Whoaaaaaaa. When have I ever looked so dang beautiful? I mean, yeah I knew I was pretty, but I’ve learned to appreciate how I looked like even more since I’ve spent so much time as a guy. This was definitely something new. I even liked that small mole I had on my upper lip!

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself adoringly. I would’ve looked at myself more if the shuffling from another room didn’t startle me out of my dream.

Oh yeah, now what? How in the world am I gonna get out of Jace’s room? I can’t possibly just walk out. I’m a girl now, and the strictly implemented “No girls allowed” rule—which was plastered on every floor—was definitely gonna be a problem.

I can’t jump out the window obviously, (even if I was deliberating on that). My newfound ninja skills might be of use... so I guess I’ll just run stealthily out of here. I stepped out of the bathroom and found out that it was 8:15 am... no wonder my head was throbbing! I’ve only slept for like, I don’t know, 5 hours?

So I guess I could use this time as an advantage. No one usually went out this early on weekends... with this comforting thought in mind, I quickly put up my hair inside a beanie I found lying on the floor—which I’m going to return back to Jace some other time—and wore my DM’s before stepping outside. Okay, so I was right! Haha! No one was out. I tiptoed lightly as I passed the doors of the hallway. I did this until I reached the bottom floor which was guarded by the Western Wing’s front desk. Basically the Eastern wing (my dorm) looked like this wing so I didn’t really have much trouble going out.

Okay. So maybe I spoke too soon. Apparently, the front desk dude noticed me. He was in his late fifties and all I could do was stand there awkwardly as he squinted his eyes out at me. He blinked a couple of times, as if assessing who I was and I quickly pulled up my hood to conceal most of my face. I then marched—in an awkward manly way, since my lady hips were making me strut involuntarily—for the front door.

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