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[ this is a work of fiction! don't take any of this to heart, nothing i write is meant to offend or hurt anyone ]


onto the story! hope this goes okay

ps. if you dont already, go stan niv and liu (go stan jay and caprice too!)


so, 4:00 am (on the dot oh wow). 4:00 am, most people would be asleep, considering it's...4:00am. so, why was this female known as liu tying up the laces of her (rainbow) shoes and putting her headphones, and on the way to go to her favourite book store that was a 1 hour train ride away for no actual stated reason?

i don't know, that's just liu.

liu opened the door, realizing it's dark outside and that for some reason no streetlights were on, so she went back inside to get her (rainbow) flashlight and then closed the door and headed off on her small adventure to the book store ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


meanwhile, another female known as niv was up and ready to enjoy her last day in new york city, she put on her ( pink, purple and blue (aka bi pride flag colors)) sweater, and (blue, pink and white (aka trans flag colors))  shoes before heading out the door of their hotel room


i don't write long chappies cause i'm not that good at long chappies 

ps. liu u loose that bet 

pps. im pretty sure if liu finds this she'll know who i am KSKSSKSK

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