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johnny's mouth dropped open at haydens revelation, and mackenzies heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst out of her chest.

"you– you what?" mackenzies voice came out low and croaky, almost non-existent.

hayden inhaled deepy. "i logged into johnnys snapchat and guessed the password to his my eyes only; it was your birthday, mackenzie." hayden spat at the ground. "pathetic." he then determined.

"i knew he would have them in my eyes only because we talked about it once. i remembered. as for getting into kenzies instagram account, that was far too easy. using one of the school computers last week, mackenzie logged into the account and never logged out. i uploaded the files to the computer, posted them, and walla." hayden spread his arms out wide, clearly showing no remorse.

"you absolute sociopath." johnny growled, shaking his head, before lunging at hayden.

for mackenzie, the next few seconds were all a blur. blood sprayed across the floor as johnny landed a sharp uppercut on haydens nose- by the amount of blood that was spattered everywhere, it was definitely broken. good, mackenzie thought weakly, he'll have an ugly ass wonky nose for the rest of his life.

the watchers in the cafeteria gasped loudly and some of them yelled out, but none of them moved save lauren, maddie, mandla, kailand, maisy and nadia. macknzie herself fell to her knees, the tears falling down her cheeks rapidly, and screamed at the top of her lungs for the to boys to stop.

they kept fighting.

johnny clearly had the upperhand, being the strongest and most lethal of the pair, but hayden was smart- and not to mention gangly- he was faster. johnny was clearly acting upon rage, and anger, but hayden was cold. even when johnny made a hard hit to haydens stomach, and hayden should have surrendered, he didn't.

"stop! stop it!" mackenzie was screeching, voice getting higher and more hysteric as time went on. no one came between them, and she started sobbing, her hands pressed hard against stomach as if she could hold her grief inside.

kailand finally sprinted onto the scene, mandla close behind, and together they both worked to haul the two away from each other. each of the morris boys struggled to contain the former best friends, but they both calmed down eventually. johnny shook free from mandla and collapsed down next to kenzie.

"i'm sorry." johnny sniffed, blood on his face and a purpling, egg sized lump forming on the side of one of his eyes. he reached out for mackenzies hands and she flinched away. his hands fell in his lap.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" mackenzie said through gritted teeth. she was trying so hard to be angry, in fact her blood was boiling, but she knew what she had to do.

johnnys eyes just about bugged out of his head. "i- what? what's wrong with me? what about hayden? i didn't do anything!"

mackenzies hands were trembling, and she ached to wrap her arms around him and hug him, just one last time– but she couldn't. she'd never touch him again.

"you called me desperate. in front of all these people." mackenzies whole body was shaking now, her mind flying to new judgments and conclusions at a million miles per hour. then, at a whisper so that no one else could hear, she spoke again. "you know how scary it was for me to put myself out there and actually commit to this. to us. only you knew how afraid i was of commitment and you still had the audacity to call me desperate." tears consistently streamed down her face, tickling her skin, but she made no move to wipe them away.

johnny ran his hands though his hair, expression melting so he looked absolutely heartbroken. in hindsight, mackenzie knew he must have seen the end coming right from when she flinched away from him.

"and– and you hit him. a lot." mackenzies voice cracked. "jesus christ he deserved it but that was violent, johnny. you can't just hurt people like that because you're mad. what if... what if one day that's me, making you mad, and you hitting me for it."

"no." he cried. "no, no, no, no. i could never do that. i love you too much. i love you."

she didn't say it back, only continued.

"you could get expelled for this, johnny. there'll be police because of my pictures online. you didn't act out of self defense. you hit him first. you hit him."

"fuck." he cursed loudly as he tipped his head back and cried. mackenzie could only watch as she saw any hope he had slowly bleed out of him.

"there'll be police crawling around here soon. and if you're expelled, that means no more going to college for football. if haydens as done as he looks, you could do jail time." mackenzie whispered, horrified with each word she spoke.

she knew she had to end it, though. kill what they had so she could close off her heart again.

"john, i-" she couldn't get her words out, and her throat closed over. "i can't do this anymore. not with you."

his lips parted in surprise. "babygirl, please don't do this." he begged, wringing his hands together.

it was silent for a long time as mackenzie gathered up her courage.

"i'm breaking up with you, john. it's... it's mackenzie to you now."

summoning the last of her strength, mackenzie stood up and walked away from him, falling into the ready arms of her sister.

she made the mistake of looking back at him.

he looked wretched, on his knees all alone. broken; torn apart, terrified and full of regret.

she would remember the way he rocked back and forth, crying with his head in his hands, until the day she died.


how shook were you on a scale of 1-10 when kenzies nudes were "leaked?" be honest!!

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