i feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

yeah it's my favorite song but sometimes the lyrics get to me.

reminds me of everyone i loved, who i lost.

nate notices me get quiet.

he put his hand in mine and squeezes it.

he knows how this song gets to me sometimes. 

we arrived at a pizza place.

nate got out of the car and came to my side and opened the car door for me.

"thank you"

we walked up to the door of the pizza place and he held opened the door for me again.

this time he said "after you ma lady".

i just laughed.

i spotted the jacks and sammy sitting at a table.

we walked over and sat down.

i was sitting next to gilinsky and across from sammy.

johnson nate and sammy were having their own conversation so that left me and gilinsky.

"so how've you been" he asked.

"i've been better, you?"

"i've been good" he said and smiled.

"i love your guys new album by the way, lotta love and used to you now are definitely my favorites" i said.

"i'm glad you like it! i had a feeling you were gonna like lotta love, even though it's about love and letting someone go you can still jam to it"

"that's what me and nate were doing on our way here" i said and laughed a little.

"so you have anyone special in your life, relationship wise?" he asked.

"no not at the moment. i have a hard time with relationships." i responded

"may i ask why"

"i have trust issues, and i'm scared of losing people i love since.." i froze

i haven't talked about it in years, i don't think i'm ready to.

"hey it's ok" he said and rubbed my back. "you don't need to tell me"

"i'm sorry. i'm just..not ready to talk about it. last person i told was nate but that was a few years ago."

"i'm so sorry you had to go through whatever it was you went through." he said.

"it's ok. shit happens"

i need a cigarette.

"i'll be back guys" i said and got up and went outside.

i took out a cigarette and my lighter and lit it.

i just stood out there looking out in the streets of LA.

"those will kill you you know" i heard a voice.

i looked and saw gilinsky.

"you following me or somethin" i said



he just looked at me.

"what?" i asked.

"oh nothing" he responded with a little smile.

his smiles perfect. wait..no stop.

you can't catch feelings for him.

i threw my cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to make sure it was out.

i looked at gilinsky who was already looking at me.

"wanna go back inside?" i asked.

"yeah let's go"

he followed me back inside and we sat back down.

they didn't even notice we left.

i guess they ordered food while we were outside cause there were two pies on the table along with a caesar salad for me.

we ate and caught up with one another.

after we finished eating we left. 

"you guys wanna come back to our place?" johnson asked.

"sure" me and nate respond.

"i gotta head to the studio real quick but i'll meet you guys there later" sammy said.

we said our goodbyes and headed to the jacks house.

me and nate got into the car and i took the aux once again. 

"so what's up with you and g?" nate said while wiggling his eyebrows.

i laugh "nothing"

"there's definitely something, i can tell by the way you guys look at eachother".

"there's nothing going on, for now at least. i don't want to rush into anything. if there is something then i want to get to know him more, yeah we're friends but we weren't always close."

"i understand"  he responded

a few minutes later we arrived at the jacks house.

a/n- i hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! i'm working on chapter two now, please vote so i know you guys enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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