Chapter 1- New Girl

Start from the beginning

Demi stood there staring at the front of the apartment. The smile on her face faded and her nerves were returning. Suddenly she felt someone bump into her and she dropped the coffee she was holding. A gasp left her lips and the woman who bumped into her grimaced. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," Demi picked up her coffee cup. "Watch where you're going," the girl snapped. Demi scoffed and got a good look at the girl. The girl has light brown hair that fell effortlessly down her back, black eyes, thin eyebrows, full lips and tan skin with high cheekbones. "You're the one who bumped into me," Demi snapped. The brunette looked down at her white blouse with a brown stain from the coffee. Her eyes widened and a low growl left her lips. "I'm so sorry," Demi apologized again and reached into her purse to grab a napkin. She tried handing the napkin to the other girl but the brunette pushed it away from her. Demi frowned and stuffed it back inside her purse. "Maybe you shouldn't just stand there. It's a busy city, you know?" the brunette tried to calm herself down, but she just couldn't. Demi nodded and noticed the other girl's eyes traveling up and down her body. She suddenly felt insecure. Before Demi could excuse herself the other girl started walking down the street. Demi shrugged and headed into the building before she could get herself into anymore trouble.

When she stepped inside the building her jaw dropped. It was the fanciest thing she's ever seen, and it's only an apartment. There was a front desk to the right of her. To the left there was elevators and straight ahead there was a beautiful, looks like glass, winding staircase. The elevators had a beautiful gold framing on them. On the inside of the elevator there's red walls with gold handles. Demi headed to the front desk and rang the small bell sitting right on top. "Hello?" Demi said. A young woman came to the desk with a book in her hand. "Yes?" she said. Demi paused for a moment. "I need keys to my apartment," Demi said. The lady nodded and sat down at the computer. "Demi Lovato, right?" Demi nodded and smiled a bit. "Okay. Room 21, level two," she said and handed Demi a key with a keychain on it. "Thank you," Demi said and was about to stand up but the lady said something that made her stop. "There's a lesbian who lives there," she said with a tone of disgust.

Demi knew she had roommates but she didn't know who they were. She's never met them before. But she wanted too. She doesn't judge people. She doesn't care if there's a "lesbian." So why did the lady at the front desk?

"So?" Demi giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "Oh. You're one of them," the lady said. Demi furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Nevermind. They're probably waiting for you," Demi nodded and left the front desk without saying anything. She clicked the up button on the elevator and waited for the doors to open. It only took one long minute for the doors to open. Demi grew impatient but sighed with relief when they did. She stepped inside as a old man stepped out. They both smiled at each other. Though Demi's smile stayed on her face, the old mans disappeared when Demi was out of his sight.

Demi leaned against the gold railing when she felt the elevator start to move. It always tickled her stomach when the elevator started to move. Once it stopped moving she pushed herself off of the railing and stood in front of the door. A few seconds later they opened and she squealed with excitement as she ran through the doors. The hallways had a light blue and white striped wallpaper, which Demi hated. She found it ugly, along with the carpet. But everything else was fine. She walked down the hallway looking for her door. When she finally found it she froze. As many times as she tried to move she just couldn't. She tried to bring her hand up to knock on the door but she couldn't. She groaned and slid down the wall while she put her face in her hands. She heard someone clear their throat and her head snapped up to see who it is. There were three boys her age standing there with smiles on their faces, except for the one in the very back. "Um," Demi stood up quickly and patted off her pants. "Who are you?" they all asked in unison. She just stared at them, until one of them laughed. She quickly snapped out of it and tried to smile at them. "I'm Demi," she stuck out her hand. The boy in front grinned at her and shook her hand. "I'm Matt. Matt Wintergreen," he smirked. He has black, spiky hair, an earring in his left ear, tattoos up and down his arms. His skin is tanned, it shows off his dark, brown eyes. And right above his beautiful brown eyes are dark, thick eyebrows that touch up his thin face. Demi's jaw dropped when she had a good look at him. "It's not nice to stare," he chuckled. Demi snapped her jaw shut and she straightened her posture. Matt stepped away and one of the other boys stepped forward. "I'm Trevor," he flipped his hair and smacked his lips. Demi nodded slowly and a smile crept its way to her lips. "And that's Kevin," Trevor pointed back at the last boy there. He has blue eyes, black, short, messy hair. He has a mustache and little hairs on his chin. Trevor has brown messy, spiky hair, bright, blue eyes and he's about 5'8".

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