Chapter 1- New Girl

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The sky brightened as the plane lowered closer and closer to the ground. The skyscrapers rising higher and higher the closer the plane lowered towards the ground. Finally, the wheels of the plane touched the ground and it rode the ground until it completely stopped. The pilot said something important over the intercom but the ear buds in her ears blocked out the sound. She stared out the window and watched the workers grab everyone's bags. A small smile grew on her face. Her headphones fell out of her ears when she jumped back as some old lady tapped on her left shoulder. She turned her head towards the lady and quickly apologized. She grabbed her single bag and threw it over her shoulder. She gave a small smile at the lady and made her way out of the plane. Taking the steps one by one even though she wants to jump with joy and run around the world right now. Once she was finally off the plane, she took off into the building. When she was finally inside she walked into food court the and went up the the Starbucks counter. She ordered a vanilla cappuccino and started her way out of the airport. The first thing that caught her eye was a tall building with glass windows. It was about fifty stories. The windows on the first five stories were covered with plastic, so she couldn't see inside, but she could hear a woman scream with excitement. Probably from a raise.

She continued down the street, not being able to control her excitement. She looked around at the tall skyscrapers and glass buildings. The air was filled with excitement. To her left there was a park with children playing and parents pushing their children on swings. To her right there was a large crowd of people trying to get where they're going. She internally groaned as she realized that's where she was headed. Down fifth street onto main street. New York University. Her new college. This is where she's going to start her new life. New York City. This is where all her dreams are going to come true.

You're probably wondering who "she," or "her," is. Her name is Demi Lovato. She's twenty and she wanted to go to college. That's why she came to New York. Her friends back home, in California, said she was crazy for traveling all the way across the country just to go to some "fancy," college. But she didn't care, she wasn't going to let their words stop her from succeeding in life just because they're not going to college. She doesn't want to flip burgers or serve food to people her whole life like they are. No, she wants to do something amazing. She wants to be known for something.

Nothing was going to stop her. Well, that's what she thought.

Demi made her way over to the large crowd of people but stopped and took a deep breath. Everywhere there was kids screaming, parents groaning, teenagers kissing, and business people shuffling their way around everyone trying to get to their jobs. Even though her annoyance level was high nothing could wipe the smile off of her face. She continued her way through the crowd but was quickly pushed away by a tall man carrying a suitcase. He glared down on her and she quickly backed away, frightened. Demi sighed and tried walking around the crowd but the farther out she went, the bigger the crowd was. Finally, she decided to call for a taxi. Even though her apartment is just two streets away.

Demi climbed in the backseat of the yellow car and just sat there smiling at the driver. He was a young man, brown short hair and a face eating smile. "Where to?" he asked. Demi stuttered for a second before coming to her senses. "Main street," she said softly and looked out the window. He started to drive but she was trying to calm her nerves. The butterflies in her stomach only grew the closer she got to her new apartment. When the man stopped driving she looked at him puzzled. He chuckled at her reaction. Outside the car was the fanciest apartment she has ever seen. It was more like a hotel than an apartment. Demi raised her eyebrows at him and he shook his head. "Is this Venberry?" she asked and he nodded. "Okay well let me get my cash," she said while fumbling with everything in her purse trying to grab her money. "Don't worry about it," he smirked at her. "Please-," she was cut off by him. "Just go," he said. Demi smiled at him and grabbed the door handle. "Thanks," she said.

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