While everyone were trying to support Mr.Sharma and Chathurvedi, Vittal received a call. Vittal told everyone to wait their and left in a hurry leaving everyone in trauma.

Vittal hopped into his car and left immediately to where his assistants told him to reach. Once he reached theirnbvc place, Vittal's assistant showed him pictures of someone, hopping into their car with ferocity. Vittal was told, that the man in the picture has received a suspicious message from a private number, and he immediately drove off. Vittal asked him, if anyone was following him, he nodded and showed him a screen, the person was being tracked by gps and a live video of Vittal's members chasing him.

Vittal told his assistant, to show him the message that the person has received, Vittal took a close look at the message and said this is an encrypted message. He immediately called for his hacker to decry pt the message as soon as possible. Vittal waited for his hacker to decode the message.
After about forty five minutes, the hacker sent the details about the encrypted message. The message had just one word, just one that could change the whole situation. The message read: "ESCAPED".

Vittal reached kalya's office to inform about the latest update. He told everyone that they have a lead now. He told them that Ahan and Kalya have escaped from where ever they were held. Adarsh and Sanjay felt a flood of relief pass through them. Though Sanjay was still worried about his daughter, he was relieved that she was not alone.

Everyone where happy that very soon Ahan and Kalya will be back with them. Vinod broke the silence by asking Vittal who was behind it. Vittal says"Ranjeet Takur" with frustration. Vittal says "I never thought that this man could stoop so low. He had a very good reputation in the society and he is known for his charity and social activities."
Vinod smiles at his words "You have to show off to make people believe in you Vittal, as the saying goes Action speaks louder that words."

Adarsh enquirers about their next step, because now that their children have escaped and they know who the black sheep is, they have to plan their next move very carefully so that they do not let the enemy know about their next move.

Vinod then said, "It is time for some action. Now that we know that Ranjeet is behind all this, we can shift our complete attention to him, but we should be careful to not let him know that we are aware of his evil deeds. Only then will we be able to collect proofs against him. So Vittal and his team keep a track on his doings 24/7.  And as of Adarsh and Sanjay you take care of the media do not let the news leak that Ahan and Kalya have escaped keep the media entertained with no news of Ahan and Kalya. And Kushal, Prachi and others search the city outskirts for Ahan and Kalya. Where our team will collect as many evidences as possible against Mr.Ranjeet Takur. " Vinod also added, " We will stay connected to exchange information. Keep everyone posted on the latest updates." Everyone then dispersed to fulfill their duties. 


Though Ahan and Kalya have escaped, they are yet to reach their respective homes safely. Once they were out of the ware house that they were held up in they were utterly confused about which way they are supposed to take, the place looked like they were in the middle of nowhere with only tress surrounding them on all sides. Not giving much thought and waste their time near the warehouse and waste their escapade they took the muddy path with more footprints leading them directly into the forest.

To mislead anyone following them, they spread clues in the wrong directions from the path they were going on, Kalya threw one of the ring she was wearing in the opposite direction of the path that they were going to take. They took utmost care to hide their path. Neither of them wanted to go back to the prison they have escaped from. They walked for around an hour before coming to a conclusion that no one was following them and they have successfully mislead them even if someone was following their path.

They walked for around two hours, but they couldn't find a way out. They could see nothing but trees surrounding them on all sides. With no hope and tired after a long walk, they decided to rest for some time before they proceed further. They sat down under a tree leaning their backs on the trunk. Ahan was lost in his thoughts staring at the blue sky above them, it was cloudy and he could see dark clouds hovering above them. Only the sound of the leaves rustling due to the light wind could be heard with sounds of birds chirping occasionally. Though the climate was peaceful their minds were disturbed, clouded with thoughts of their loved once. 

After some time Kalya tried to make small talk as by now she knew that Ahan would never initiate a conversation. She cleared her throat to grab his attention, Ahan looked at her with a blank face and gave her his full attention.  She then asked him, " So now that we have escaped from hell and will reach home anytime soon, what will be the first thing that you want to do?" Kalya could see his expression change from blank to anger, through gritted teeth he replied, I would kill the bastard who has put you through this shit eyeing Kalya's  wound on her arm which was recovering now.

Kalya was shocked beyond words for what Ahan has told, a light blush crept her cheeks she was trying very hard to stop the smile trying to reach her lips. Ahan by now has realized what he has said and turned away from Kalya getting up in haste telling her that they should move. Kalya just nodded not able to say a word. They started walking again and Kalya being Kalya couldn't stop blabbering about anything that came to her mind, to which Ahan gave no heed to, or rather pretended to not listen to her blabbering. 

It was almost dark and it was becoming difficult for them to walk any further, when Ahan suddenly stopped listening to something very keenly. 


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Untill next time.......

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