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A knock on the door hindered Sharma's conference with his employee's about the new client that they are soon to approach. Sanjay is very keen on getting this project as this would make their company reach its pinnacles. And it is a prestigious project for the Sharma group of industries as it is a joint venture of the Sharma's and the Chathurvedi's. He cannot put his name and fame at stake.

Sanjay was infuriated due to the disturbance and with a fierce tone asked the person to come in. As Sanjay noticed the person that has entered the conference room, Sanjay shivered for a moment. It is a very rare occasion that this man enters Sanjay's office. His mere presence indicates trouble. He wiped the sweat forming on his forehead despite the temperature by the air-conditioner. Sanjay dismissed his staff at once and asked to meet after lunch.

All the staff filed away one after the other, as the last person left Sanjay nodded towards the man and he nodded in agreement. Sanjay along with the man left to his cabin. Sanjay barged into his cabin and took his sit; the man followed him and took a seat opposite to Sanjay. He asked the man to speak and the person told him about the complete details of the incident that has happened to Kalya, her being stalked, her tires being punctured and other events which even Kalya didn't know. The person told Sanjay that Kalya is being closely watched by someone and they intend to cause trouble.

Sanjay got furious and shouted at the person" What are you and your people doing Vittal, did you forget you job. You have been hired to take care that no harm reach my princess. But you are sitting here and informing me about everything after it has happened instead of taking care of it." Sanjay started pacing and told Vittal to take things seriously and to get into action. He also told Vittal that he wants the details of the ones that are causing trouble to his princess and why. Vittal replied that their men were having a close watch on them and would not let Kalya to land in danger further on. Sanjay nodded and Vittal took his leave.

Sanjay was occupied with his thoughts when his assistant called him to inform that it's time for the meeting scheduled for today. Sanjay nodded in agreement and stood up to leave. He sighed at his incapability to take care of his daughter and left the room to attend the meeting.

Meanwhile Kalya got herself occupied in work, so that she doesn't overthink about the events happening in her life. She so wanted to discuss about everything with her father but restrained herself from doing so, oblivious to the fact that Sanjay knew every little detail of what was happening in her life.

After finalizing the interior designs of the living area of the Kurana's farm house, Kalya called the receptionist to get her a coffee with the usual amendments. And was immersed into the report that listed the electrical checkup that were required in the Kurana's farm house. She asked the person to come in when she heard a knock at the door. She looked up to find the clerk placing the cup on the table. She smiled at him and took the cup, on tasting the coffee she called the clerk, Shyam, "What is this; you know that I only have latte every day but what is it with this normal coffee today?" Shyam replied that he has received the order to get you a coffee; I have even asked the receptionist if she was sure that you wanted a normal coffee and she said yes. Shyam asked Kalya if she wanted it to be replaced with her regular Latte.

Kalya told Shyam it is fine and with that he left. Kalya was puzzled why Shreya would not know about her regular coffee. Leaving beside the thoughts she drank the coffee and got back to work. But she could not concentrate her thoughts were continuously drifting. Unable to hold back she pressed her intercom and asked Shreya to come into her cabin. Kalya was waiting for Shreya to come, but she found someone else entering her cabin. As an instinct she placed her hand on the emergency button but did not press it. Kalya maintained her emotion and asked her who she was. She replied that she was Shreya's replacement as Shreya has taken a leave for a month and she has been appointed as her replacement. She also told Kalya that she is Nisha and asked Kalya if she needed anything.

Kalya asked Nisha to get her joining details and Shreya's leave details. Nisha left from Kalya's cabin to get her the files which Kalya has asked. Nisha returned with all the files which Kalya has asked. She checked and rechecked everything and the files were absolutely fine. She handed over the files to Nisha and asked her to leave. Kalya shook her head and drank some water to clear her head. She comforted herself saying that she was just overthinking and has unnecessarily doubted Nisha. Kalya only looks into the hiring of the core department employee's but does not interferes with the external staff employment. That is the reason that she did not know about Shreya's replacement.

Kalya heard her phone ringing as she was about to drown back into work, she took her phone to answer the call and it was Kushal. She answered the call immediately as Kushal told her he would try find to find about the stalker. As she answered the call Kushal started throwing questions on her. Riyan has informed Kushal of the events that has happened in the morning. Kalya told him that she was fine and there's nothing to worry. But Kushal was not satisfied, so he told Kalya that Prachi will come to her office to give her company. Kalya objected saying that there is no need of it and she is perfectly fine, but Kushal protested saying that everything is not fine.

Today's morning's incidents clearly show that someone is intending to harm you. And its mere luck you have escaped from them today told Kushal. With this Kalya understood that it's serious and asked Kushal if Prachi is ok with it. Kushal sighed in relief and told Kalya that he has asked her and have checked with her schedule and she was completely fine to accompany you until this problem is solved. He asked Kalya if she could arrange Prachi a temporary cabin in her office so that she could work from there. Kalya told Kushal it is not a problem at all and it will be done by tomorrow. They disconnected the call after Kushal reminded Kalya that Prachi will be there in an hour.

Kalya was attending a call when Prachi arrived. She signed Prachi to sit down and finished her call. Kalya asked Prachi on the details about how she wanted her cabin to be, she did not want to discuss about the events which are traumatizing her. Prachi described the details of certain thing that she needed. Kalya told her that it would take at least a day to get it done and till then she could also work from her cabin. Saying so she called her assistant told the details which Prachi has described are to be done to their vacant cabin on the first floor and told him that it should be done by tomorrow at any cost.

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