Chapter 5- I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

I sat still waiting for him to answer but he only tucked his lip in between his teeth. His eyes raced around the syrup covered plate like it was helping decide. It's really not that hard of an answer, why you bein' nice?

"Because I can. Because Niall and Zayn were being assholes, that's why. They're pissed that a girl out smarted them. Niall admitted to lying after you walked out and I felt bad that I didn't listen," He said, running a hand through his wind swept hair.

I could feel my vains prickle with displeasure, "Innocent people don't hit others when they have nothing to be guilty of."

I was micking his exact words to me last night. If he thought that I let go of what he said to me and we're on the road to friendship he's wrong. I'm grateful he has the heart to bring me food, not face the bunches of assholes that find humor in causing me to hurt. Maybe that was th real reason they did it, to make them laugh because there was nothing better do with their lives.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No, you did. I know you weren't hammered but you spoke what was on your mind like Zayn. You guys find humor in making me feel like crap and I'm not a play toy. What's the real reason you've taken me?" I put my finger to my ear, turning my head towards him.

This morning truce he tried to put up was ruined by me, I didn't care. How could I? He just felt bad, and once that wore off he would be the same way again. He moved swiftly to clean up the mess and was out the door. Him ignoring my question showed they had a different reason for taking me.

I stayed in bed a couple more minutes than walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I gasped when I saw my reflection, my skin was already losing it's warm tan color from being locked in for a couple of days. Purple bags sagged under my eyes, I looked a mess from miles away. I turned the sink on and splashed water on my face. Picking up towel that I had used previosuly to wipe it off.

I'm stuck up here again, and it's not like I would feel free to walk around anyways. I would be bombarded by Niall or Zayn who hated me more than a cat hates water. Either they hated me or found this as a way of being friendly, although by the looks theother guys gave they were being crude.

I sit back on my bed rolling covers tightly around me. A burrito, I'm a big sad bunch of a burrito rolled up so tight. It was obvious that answers were not going to come flying my way but to be dug out somehow. Despite the fact I can't stand to be within a fight foot radius it would help for me to get close, maybe even get the key.

But what could the plan be? How could I even make a plan?

I had millions of ideas to use however; none of them were a hundred percent proof. And if I couldn't find a stable one then I'd be stuck in this crazy house for a while. No matter if they say it's only two weeks I know the time span will be longer and they think I'll lose track of the calender.

As if on cue an idea popped into my head, not a very good one or something I prefer nonetheless it was full proof. Minor problems, which merely could be fixed along the way if I do everything to exact. However the question still left is if in fact I played through, What way out would there be for me? They all had the key to leave the front I know that even though I've never seen it. Just how would I get it off of them?

I could play twenty questions some other time but I needed to prep for the part and start it now. Still with the remaining flaws, the idea seemed full proof. Almost full proof.

I unrolled from my burrito of sadness and showered, taking extra to get myself feel clean meaning shaving my legs, which have been quite on the hairy side lately. I searched through the wardrobe wondering how the clothes were pretty close to my size. They don't just buy these things then pick up a random girl off the streets that's not how it works.

I stuck simple with a black sweater and blue skinny torn skinny jeans. The combat boots were without a doubt a couple sizes too big but that was another I could live with. I didn't wear much to any make up besides the occasional cat eye, though it was a necessity I needed at the time being. Whatever, I can make it work.

A couple turns in the bathroom mirror, sticking my tongue out like Miley Cyrus and swirling it around because I got bored. I brushed my hair, letting the long curls bounce back into shape. It felt weird but kind of nice to dress up for someone. I haven't done it in forever.

Onelast glance in the mirror and I'm heading towards the door down to the boys. If I was going to start it right I required one thing I was begged to do; tell them sorry. Gaining their trust is the most important here, if I can't then I'm stuck.

They're all crowded around in the living room, laughing and chatting with eachother. It seemed almost like a normal group of friends besides me being here under my will.  I coughed, seizing there attention. Niall and Zayn were aleady smirking towards me like they had some snarky comments to make at me.

"Can I say something?" I asked, feeling the lump in my throat rise. This is one of the reasons school plays never worked out for me. Being put on the spot was very hard because I was afraid of messing up.

Niall snorted, "You just did."

I smiled lightly to keep from flipping him off, "Yeah, guess I did."

"Go on Kelsey," Liam said, ignoring Niall completely, which I was thankful for.

"I'm sorry for being what Niall called a 'prude'," The tension in the room lifted remotely, focusing more along of Niall now, "Thank you for feeding me and giving a bedroom rather than a basement or something. It's thoughtful."

I couldn't tell if what I was saying registered through but I silently prayed for them to nod in agreement. Glances were shared and Liam spoke up again.

"It's fine and we know it's hard for you to adjust to your new home but we're not going to hurt you and you keep forgetting that small detail," Wait wha?

New home? I'm not going to stay here with these freaks forever if that's what they're hoping. I have about every right to smack him and run out but my hands clench to my sides and I'm gesturing with my head in under standing. I knew two weeks was a lie.

"Of course, I just really needed time to think but everyone was rushing to aid me when I didn't want it. I get it now and I'm okay with it, I'm sorry," Pure hatred burned my skin and I wanted to claw everyones eyes out in arms reach. They are sick twisted fucks to think I would be staying in this place no worries.

"Just promise not to rape me or anything," I motioned mainly towards Niall but no one got the hint. They all nodded besides Zayn who whispered to the blonde 'Not yet' to which he smiled and shook his head.

A shudder rumbled through out my body. I needed those keys and I was willing to risk everything I had, only I didn't have anything left. My plan that could be crazy enough to work, sleep with them. Liam to be precise. He's the authority around here.


By: Prestigee

The Jersey

In which a girl with anger issues and cocky boy meet from one jersey.

Guise, She's an amazing writer and I love her books. They are very orginal and the idea hasn't been over exaggerated before(:

Basically I changed up a lot of the book but that's okay because this version is better! I'll have some of the things that were origionally written in here later on in teh chapters but for now dis it.

Comment and Votes will help me with editing this quicker!!:)

I love you sweet babes

~Keep on lovin and livin~

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