Chapter 1 - Drifting

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That's what it felt like. Everything was dark. It made it impossible to identify my surroundings. Behind me, it was pitch black. It swallowed up everything in its path. My fears, my dreams - every hidden desire I'd kept close to my heart.

I could feel it all slipping away. There was no light. I felt as if somehow, I had been cheated. Why did others get to see it when I got nothing?

I wanted to escape it all. I closed my eyes but the blackness continued to fill my senses. My mind pounded as if it was about to shatter into a million pieces. Memories swirled through my brain and then faded away, sucked into oblivion. Whenever I grasped the floating tendrils of one image, it was instantly replaced by the next.

My mind switched off. It was too much to handle.

I was so tired.....

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