reclaiming help

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"near Dosh Vale" 

Jon and Daenerys were traveling by horse it would be easier this way and since Daenerys knew how to speak the language it would be easy to speak to them convincing them would be the hard part Jon had saw the Dothraki behaved it was good that they decided not to brink Rhaella and Ned here because it would easily scare them and they wouldn't understand.

"not going to be easy I hope they don't take my head off" Dany laughed "their not like that anymore their peaceful people usually but they have their ways thank god Rhaella and Ned are In Bravos they would hate to see this". it was taking longer to get to their destination and Daenerys was getting tired Jon had stopped their horses "let's stop and rest" she had agreed he got of his horse and helped her off they made camp Jon had gathered food so she could eat she was weak and tired as was he they both knew what it was they were told a few days ago they had only a short enough time left to live they didn't have enough strength left they were dying and they knew it but didn't share this with anyone. "not much time left how are we going to tell the kids that were not going to be around next summer" "Jon I don't know what were going to do without them but I know one thing if we die we die together" they held each other they hated this but there was no cure for this disease death would be better for both of them they knew they would have to prepare Rhaella and Ned soon for the unenviable.

Dany approached the Dothraki and spoke in Dothraki informing them of the situation up North one of the members and swore his allegiance "we pledge ourselves to you Khaleesi and to you Khal" Jon was confused Dany looked at him "a Khaleesi is a princess and a Khal is a prince or a leader"  Daenerys made her speech in Dothraki language "Dothraki will you follow your Khal and Khaleesi into battle together we will save the North!" the Dothraki cheered for them Dany smiled at Jon they had gained the Dothraki for Battle. 

that night Jon and Dany had spent the night in their tent in Dosh Daenerys wasn't feeling well neither was Jon they laid in bed together hoping the sickness would pass he held onto Daenerys hand as she was coughing and gasping in pain and she did the same about an hour later the sickness had passed Dany was sweating with fever but it had gone for now at least "fevers gone for now you okay?" Dany sat up "I feel like death but I'll be okay for a moment I thought it was the end" Jon had felt it too "me too Dany we cannot tell my family if they knew. . ." Dany nodded "there's no cure for it not like they can do anything I just wished this wasn't happening" "Aura fever who knew it had gone this far" Dany nodded "I want to at least accomplish at least one more battle before we die" Jon agreed they knew this was going to be hard on Winterfell but could not worry about that now.

the next morning Dany and Jon had sailed to white Harbor with the Dothraki army and were heading for Winterfell Jon and Dany smiled at each other and at Rhaella and Ned who were admiring the seas they were happy but it wouldn't last Dany and Jon knew they would have to break the news of their sickness and that was going to be especially hard on them. 

Jonerys A Fire and Ice Tale 2Where stories live. Discover now