"Daddy, mommy said eat your food!" He demanded

"Ok, ok I'll eat!" I laughed which made them laugh

As I was about to put the spoon of fried rice into my mouth I heard the door swing open



"I swear ain't nobody louder than you" Sarah protested

"Oh hush, you're happy to see me" Nicki argued

"Aunty Nickwi" Jedi stretched out for her

Nicki picked Jedi up and began to kill him with kisses

"Grab a plate and come sit girl" Sarah said

"We need more than a plate" Nicki walked into the kitchen

"What you me-

Before I could have finished my sentence Khalif, Esther, Jay, Bobo and Riff busted through my door

"Damn what smells so good!" Khalif shouted

"Khalif be quiet!" Esther tapped him

"But it smells good" Khalif responded

I got up and hugged my brother and the gang

The gang, oh yeah, The Alumni is bigger and better than ever. We became the most feared but respected gang in the city. 5 years ago was tough but that's not gonna stop my grind.

"Man I'm hungry" Jay protested holding his belly and ran straight into the pot

I saw Sarah face palm herself which made me laugh. Jedi's face light up so bright he loves when everyone is here. He got lots of Aunty's and Uncle's.

Nicki was officially apart of the Alumni. That girl got a serious hand for aiming. I never wanted Sarah to be apart of it but now she's my right hand in everything Alumni

My bipolar depression... honestly it's been getting better and I've never been more happy. Sarah has been helping me through it and I'm so grateful

Seeing that bullet hit her 5 years ago I thought that that was it. It was over...but no it wasn't. She was in a coma for months and the doctors wanted to give up on her but I didn't let that happen

Flashback : 5 years ago

Everything was a blur as her blood was everywhere, the sound of doctors clouded my visions. She was gonna die...

It had been 3 months since she had been in a coma

"Mr. Brown, there's nothing more we can do but to-

"I'M NOT PULLING THE FUCKING PLUG" I yelled at him which made him shut his mouth

I prayed everyday for her to wake up and be with me again

My prayers Did work because a week later her beautiful eyes opened


Everyone was at the table wanting and talking. Sarah planted a kiss on my lips which made me bite hers

"Ew we're eating" Esther squinted her face

I rolled my eyes and made out with Sarah in front of everyone

"Get a room!" Bobo shouted

I looked at Jedi who was giggling

I suddenly felt a pain in my head so I excused myself from the table and headed to the bathroom. I saw Sarah's face


I closed the bathroom door and stooped to the ground holding my head. This shit was agonizing. I slowly got up and opened the sink and splashed the water on my face. I looked up to see myself in the mirror

Around me was dark and my head was hurting even more

My eyes weren't brown anymore...but red

"What the fuck..." I breathed

You really think I was gone...did you Aaquil? But I'm back ...

The same voice that haunted me for months 5 years ago said


Haha, payback time


I would've never thought I would have been alive. I couldn't let Aaquil die so I took the bullet. Eventually I woke up from my coma and Aaquil and I our life was amazing. I made a handsome baby boy who's just my bundle of joy.

I was getting worried, Aaquil has been up there for 15 mins, he never stays that long

"He's been up there for 15 minutes" Khalif worriedly said

I gave Jedi a kiss and gave him to Jay as I sped up the stairs to the bathroom

"No...No!" I heard Aaquil said


I opened the door to see him on the ground shaking. I dashed to the ground and placed my hands around him

"Baby, it's ok, I'm here" A tear slipped from my eye

His breathing was heavy. His head slowly lifted up to meet mine. His eyes were red...blood red...no longer brown

His body was cold and his head began to twitch

I wrapped my hand around him tighter until I heard a voice that wasn't Aaquil's

"Ego dixi vobis"

I could never forget those words

I warned you

Woah...guys Unstable is BACK!

This is book 2 of Unstable. For those who've read it you'll understand what's going on in this book so I suggest you read "Unstable" before you read this book entitles "Voices"

Y'all it's about to be epic and crazy so I know y'all don't wanna miss this❗ Cause this some paranormal shit ya digg❗




Trill Jxmmi

Voices (Slim Jxmmi)Where stories live. Discover now