Dare 110

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Soooo how's it going with you and Fiona Scourge? -Smiles.-

Scourge: -Growls.- We aren't dating anymore.....

Wha-What happened? -Frowns.-

Scourge: She went off with this young hedgehog he had orange fur and he was wearing some of your old clothes. Do you know him?

Oh yeah! That's my clone, Alex the Hedgehog....

Scourge: Well....if she wants to cheat on me, then I can to! But with who? -Looks at me and smirks.-

Whoa!!! No way! -Shakes head.- We are enemies, NOT lovers!

Scourge: Would you stop living in the past and look in the 'now?' XD

Fine. But I swear if we get caught doing something it's all your fault! Got it?

Scourge: Yep....-Holds my hand and purrs.-

-Blushes and purrs back.-

Shadow: -Was behind a tree watching and listening to everything.- Heh....

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