Dare 92

266 7 4

-Looks around and I then I throw a piece of a cake at Shadow's back and butt and began to giggle.-

Shadow: YIPE!!!! -Jumps and growls looking back at me.- OH BRING IT ON LIKE VERY STRONG! -Grabs a plate of ice cream and throws it at me.-

YIPE!! -Dodges and then it hits Scourge.-

Scourge: So YOU wanna GO?! Well you got a battle!!! -Growls and then picks up a cat and throws it at Shadow's face and begins to giggle.-

Silver: -Laughing on the floor.-


Shadow: -Growls and takes out his gun and shoots the cat and then grabs a beer bottle and throws it at Scourge.-

Scourge: O_O -Dodges but the bottle hit his leg.-

Silver: Are we throwing dangerous stuff now? O_o

Apparently so...

-After all the violence-

Me: Broken arm, Two black eyes, bloody nose, and one broken leg....

Shadow: -Was knocked out on the first hit but broke his arm and bloody nose.-

Scourge: -Doesn't have a scratch on him.-

Silver: -One broken arm and broken leg, bloody nose and broken nose, teeth missing, some of his quills were burned off.- (Let's just say more was done to him.-

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