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4 years later

"Haaaaaappy Birthday Louis!!!" Liam hollered, uncovering my eyes to reveal a cake with 27 candles in it, one extra for good luck. I looked up, grinning hugely at Liam, Niall and Zayn. I felt a small pang at the reminder of the one missing person, but I shrugged it off. They sang Happy Birthday to me, purposely horrendously off key (because I know they can do better) and I blew out the candles and made the same wish I had for the past 4 years.

We ate cake and as I was opening Niall's present, we all heard the door open.

Harry walked in.

I could only stare as he walked in with four white roses and one red one. It was silent until Harry coughed and said, "You didn't change your locks."

"You didn't get rid of your key," I whispered back. He smiled real goofy like, my favourite smile, and handed me the roses. "One extra for good luck." he mumbled. I put Niall's gift and the roses down and stood in front of him. He was taller than me now. I stared at him and then started punching him. He took it until Liam jumped up and stopped me. I didn't realize I was crying until I fell back down on the couch. Harry sat down across from me. "Um, we'll just, um, be back soon?" Niall said a he ushered Zayn and a reluctant Liam out the door. When I couldn't cry anymore, I looked up to see Harry standing in front of a picture on the wall. It was of us on our wedding day. I smashed the glass but put the picture back up. Liam said it wasn't good for me to keep it but I did anyway. Harry was smiled crookedly at it and turned to me.

"You kept it?" I sniffed and nodded. "So did I-hold on-" he said as he pulled out his wallet and showed me a slightly wrinkled photo of the two of us, same photo. I smiled, but returned to frowning. "Where were you? Four years, Harry. I didn't move or change locks or do anything for four years, waiting for you!" I started to shout.

He looked down. "Basically everywhere. Around the world trip. Doesn't mean I could forget you, no matter how hard I tried. If someone tried to pick me up I automatically said 'I'm married'. God I'm such an idiot, aren't I?" He finished, finally looking at me with his question.

I grinned, and walking over to him, I said, "Yes, but you're my idiot."

Sweet Disposition (Larry Stylinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ