A Cry

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Louis POV

"Harry." I repeated it, louder this time still. He continued to ignore me, absently flicking through channels on the television. I finally knocked the controller out of his hands and stood in front of him. " Damnit Harry, we need to talk!" I yelled.

"About what." he said blankly.

"About us! About this-thing! Whatever it is we're even doing! We're not friends with benefits, not dating, not not dating, what the fuck is it?" I screamed, frustratingly running my hands throu my hair.

He sighed and didn't look at me, just played with the strings on his sweats. "Why do you even care?" he muttered, sounding exhausted. I stared at him for a few minutes, while he refused to glance my way.

Anger began to drain out of me and fill out quickly with hurt. I ran oiut, slamming the door behind me. I hadn't gotten very far when my legs gave out. I ended up on my knees, heels of my hands to my eyes to cover the tears already streaking my face.

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