Best Friend

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Billie has been my best friend since we were 5 years old.

And we are really tight I mean really tight.

Yknow she tells me that she makes new friends but she knows I get broken hearted because now that she's on tour,I don't see her as much as I used to,

She would come home for about 2 weeks but that still isn't enough time for both of us,

~Present day~

She text me she was back, and I was so excited to see her,


Bil: Bitch I'm here!!

Me: omg bil!! You back in town!.

Bil: of course and had to text you straight away ❤️

Me: of course you did

Bil: now come open your front door, it's cold outside.

Me: omg!! I'm coming bby

I dropped my phone fuck knows where and ran to the door.

I unlocked it and ran straight into her arm's,

Me: holy shit I missed you so much.

I started to cry because she is like the other half of me,

Billie: yo I missed you more

She walked in the door me still hugging her and she closed the door and hugged me back.

Billie: bitch I nearly died not having you with me,

I didn't let go of her,I just wanted to hug her all day if I could,

But I let go of her and looked at the floor not wanting her to see my tears,

Billie: hey look at me

She always put the soft Billie on when it came to me,

By that I mean, you have a bad Bitch Billie, and a soft Billie.

I finally looked at her

Billie: don't cry

She said wiping the tears falling down my face,

Me: I missed you

I hugged her again and she lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom, dropping us on the bed and cuddling up with me,

Billie: I missed more baby

She said pecking my cheek,
My cheeks blushed and the only way I could hide it was burying my face into her neck, which I did,

She sighed and wrapped her arm around my waist,

She looked at my legs,

Billie: yo you don't have pants on

Me: I didn't want to wear any,

I said my head still buried in her neck,

Billie: it's fucken cold

She sat up,and took her jacket off, putting it on my legs.

Billie: you have a heater, why don't you use it

Me: idk.

I said meeting her blue,silver, crystal eyes,

Billie: you look beautiful mamas

I blushed and she saw it,

Billie: mm I made you blush,

She said giggling at me,

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now