Consequences of Quirks

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I watched as Todoroki took out a paper and pencil. I was about to ask something until I noticed something. Kirishima, Denki, Mina, and Sero were in the room. Why wasn't all hell broke loose? I could clearly see Mina crying but I couldn't hear her. Kirishima just gave me a looked of worry as I looked back to Todoroki.

'What the hell is going on!?!' I thought as I looked at Todoroki with worry radiation off of me.

I watched as Todoroki took a deep breath and turn the paper around. It was written really small so I took my brain a while to process it. But when I squinted I could clearly.

"Bakugou... You're deaf"

When I read those words that Todoroki wrote my heart dropped. But I knew it was true... The pieces soon came into place. The mission and the bad guy. The bad guys were about to sneak up on Gun Head and Icy Hot. I made a huge flash bomb and my ears started to reign. Then all I remember is snippets of Gun Head carrying me and Todoroki looking down at me.

I've known that a powerful quirk means a powerful drawback. Which means from the day I started using my quirk I've been damaging my eardrums...

But I was an idiot and didn't pay attention. Soon I was using my quirk whenever I could and sometimes when I wasn't even allowed to use it. No matter what I kept overdoing it trying to be better than everyone else. I knew I had to pay the price at some point but I didn't think it would be this soon.

'Damn it!!!' I thought as a small spark set off in my hand burning the blanket a little bit.

I wanted to break down right there and then... So that's what I did. I let the river of tears flow down my face while my body shook. I couldn't keep it in anymore and I didn't want to. I just closed my eyes and cried out a river. The damn nerd is starting to rub off on me, isn't he?

Soon I felt someone hug me tightly. I saw Mina hugging my torso and she was crying too. It was like I was her lifeline as she wouldn't let me go. Soon Kirishima put his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me with a worried filled smile. Soon Denki was hugging my neck and Sero was holding my hand while laying his head down on the hospital bed. My tears came to a stop and they were replaced by a small smile.

'I don't know what I would do without you nerds,' I thought with a sigh and just sank into their embrace and closed my eyes.

I felt safe with these people... Something I don't usually feel. I just sat there in the middle of them. But soon I felt a new feeling. Someone sat at the foot of my bed and I could feel their eyes on me. I opened my eyes for them only to meet with one silver eye and one icy blue one. It was Todoroki.

'I forgot he was here... How long has he been here? He's still in his hero outfit,' I thought as I watched the calm boy just stare at me and the others.

He gave me a smile and went to go sit next to the old hag. Mina and the others soon backed away and left the room. But not without all of them hugging my and waving to me as long as they could before they ran out the door. Soon it was only me, my mom, and Todoroki. My mom just looked to me and smiled soon taking my hand into hers.

'I'm sorry,' I watched her say as I couldn't hear her voice anymore.

I just looked down at my lap but kept her hand clutched in mine. The tears that I thought were gone were about to spill out again. I closed my eyes tightly again and tried to keep my body from shaking. But then I felt another pair of arms wrap around me. Without thinking I flung myself onto them like they were my lifeline. I would refuse to let go as I just cried out into their shoulder.


Seeing Bakugou like this broke my heart. He was crying into my shoulder with his mom watching this all unfold. I just let out a sigh and rubbed his back gently waiting for him to stop. Soon the crying came down to only sniffling and then just quiet snoring.

I lifted Bakugou off my shoulder to see that he was sleeping. He looked so calm and composed in this form. I just wish I could see this more often as it warmed my heart. I laid his head down on the soft white pillow and just smiled down at him.

"Thank you so much," I heard Metsuki say behind me.

"No problem Mrs. Bakugou," I told her as I stepped away from Bakugou and turned to his mother with a caring smile.

"Call me Metsuki... I've heard about you Todoroki... From my son and from his friend. Have you heard os Izuku Midoriya?" She asked me and I nodded and I gave her a confused look.

"Why would Bakugou talk about me?" I asked her and she just let out a half-hearted laugh and looked towards her son.

"He respects you young Todoroki. He saw how you fought him during the Sports Festival. He saw how you put yourself in front of others. He also saw what you would do to get what you want," She said with a smile and held my hand in both of hers. "Please take care of the boy, won't you? I know he has his little squad but... I want someone like you watching him," She told me and I just simply nodded.

"I won't let you down Metsuki," I told her then looked over to Bakugou.

'I promise...'

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