The Boy in the Hospital Bed

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 "Todoroki! We came as soon as we could!" I heard someone say as I sat outside a hospital room.

"We're really glad you called us," Another said as they walked towards me and I smiled at the sight of them.

"I'm glad you four came. I didn't know who to call others that Bakugou's parents. I know that you guys are close to him so," I said as they came closer and stood in front of me I stood us and hugged all of them.

"Don't worry Bro! We get it and thanks for calling us!" Another said as he gave me a toothy smile.

Kirishima, Sero, Mina, and Denki soon stood in front of me. They all had a worried expression as they finally made it to me. Mina looked like she was about to cry her eyes out. Sero and Denki's eyes weren't filled with worry and didn't have that sparkle they used to have. Kirishima looked beyond pissed and he had all the right to be angry. Bakugou is really lucky to have these people as his friends.

Bakugou has created a family with these people. They protect and care for each other. They stick behind the angry blond even when he's angry. No matter what Bakugou says and no matter what happens they're a family. The Baku squad seems inseparable and they have the strongest bond out of any group in our class.

"Do we know what happened to him?" Mina said with a small sniffle following and all she did was hug Kirishima and he hugged her back.

"The doctors are still with him. His mom showed up about half an hour ago. I think he can be visited soon though," I told them and they all nodded and sat with me.

After a few agonizing hours, a man in a white coat came out of the room. The doctor had on black pants and a light blue button-up shirt with a navy blue tie underneath. He had a clipboard under his left arm and an orange pencil behind his right ear. He had a sad expression on his face which made me worried. But when he saw me and the others sitting there his expression lightened a little bit. He came up to us with a forced smile and looked down at us.

"Are you kids here to see Katsuki Bakugou?" He asked us and all of us nodded and with that, the man's smile dropped a little.

"Alright then... You can come in but be as quiet as possible and try to keep talking at a minimum," He said and we all nodded in understanding as he lead us to the door.

But before we all went in the doctor pulled me aside. Mina looked back at me with pleading eyes and I gave her a smile. She smiled back and ran to catch up with the other three. Soon the disappeared behind the white curtain that was hiding Bakugou's bed.

"I just want to inform you about your friend's condition. I saw that you were the one who brought him in this morning," The man said and I nodded in conformation and soon he took in a deep breath.

"His quirk is an explosion quirk and the noises from the explosions have damaged his eardrums. When you brought him in something in his ear busted... That's why his ears were bleeding. We did everything we could but we could save the boy's hearing... We're very sorry for your friend," He told me looking down at his clipboard sadly as he read off notes

I just nodded and walked into the hospital room. I soon put one hand on the curtain soon pulling it back and meeting everyone else. What I saw on the other side was not very pleasing. Mina was crying onto Kirishima's shoulder as the redhead just stared down at the blond in the medical bed. Bakugou's mother was sitting next to Sero with the boy keeping her company. Denki was just sitting at the foot of the bed looking at the once angry blond.

Bakugou didn't look so good himself. He looked exhausted and it was like he hasn't slept for the past few days. His skin was paler than normal and his body was frail. His hair wasn't as spiky and just turned into a fluff on his head with some strands getting into his face. He was laying there with his chest slowly rising and falling with every passing second. All the machines attached to him didn't look pleasing at all. Mina was crying onto Kirishima's shoulder as the red head just stared down at the blond in the medical bed. Bakugou's mother was sitting next to Sero with the boy keeping her company. Denki was just sitting at the foot of the bed looking at the once angry blond.

Bakugou didn't look so good himself. He looked exhausted and it was like he hasn't slept for the past few days. His skin was paler than normal and his body was frail. His hair wasn't as spiky and just turned into a fluff on his head with some strands getting into his face. He was laying there with his chest slowly rising and falling with every passing second. All the machines attached to him didn't look pleasing at all.

"Is he gonna be ok Todoroki?" Mina sniffled as she asked me and she looked at me with teary eyes.

"Yeah what did the doctor say?" Sero asked as he rubbed Mitsuki's back trying to calm the woman down.

"Bakugou has become deaf because of his quirk... The doctor said they did all they could but they just couldn't save his sense of hearing," I told them and they all looked at me with wide eyes.

Mina just started crying even more as she buried her face into Kirishima's shoulder. Sero looked down at Mitsuki as he knew how much the woman was hurting. Denki just looked at Bakugou while clutching his fists deep in though. I felt bad as this would affect all of them and not just Bakugou.

Soon the angry blond stirred in his sleep. Everyone held their breaths as they waited for the boy to open his eyes. When he shot up and looked around his eyes seemed dull. The red rubies had lost their shined and seemed to be clouded over. Bakugou saw his mother and let out a sigh. He was about to speak but held his tough.

I quickly grabbed a paper and pencil from my back pocket and scribbled down a message for Bakugou to read. While I was writing I could feel the fear radiating off of Bakugou. But I just kept calm and kept writing and soon held up the paper for the boy to read.

"Bakugou... You're deaf"

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